

Free Video CMS
Start your own video sharing website with CumulusClips video sharing script. It’s free and easy to use. You can build a YouTube clone where users can upload videos, rate videos, comment on videos, and much more.

Downloaded and installed on

“Hook” added to enable UVM WebAuth

Working on accepting videos > 2GB

Plan is to use this as interface to load videos directly on Wowza server on


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display issue on landscape

On Feb 16, 2015, at 5:36 AM, Paul Bierman <> wrote:


Wonder if some of the changes made last week had an unintended consequence…

I get the same “modern image” with all older images that have not modern counterpart…

See screenshots.  Shows up in admin and non admin views.

This proved more difficult than it seemed at first glance, but I eventually figured it out

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Student Legal Services

Kid built new web site on his personal silk server. Helped migrate it to

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BBB Front-end died in front of Willy Cats-Baril

Unintended consequence of messing around with BBB front end caused php error while Willy Cats-Baril attempting on-line seminar. The good news is Willy, Nick Gingrow, and Erin Montgomery (Graduate Programs Coordinator, UVM School of Business) all said they have been pleased with BigBlueButton itself. It was a bug in the front-end I wrote that caused the panic. I’ve been fiddling with that code, working on a feature that accepts targeted URLs for connections. These can be put on webpages or in emails, for example

I showed this to Nick and Erin this morning, and they were quite pleased. We all connected on BBB, and I showed them some debuting tools, including this browser check

this incident also prompted me to include disclaimers here

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Events calendar fixes

Holly had a user who

  1. appeared only as a NetID, no name or anything
  2. Could prove by dated emails and Holly’s recollection she had been to certain workshops, but did not appear in rosters

User had requested her directory info be suppressed, not realizing how much would be suppressed. I added her manually to workshops


Kristen in WID had problems marking attendance. Buttons wouldn’t stick. Firefox update messed with Jquery. Fixed, but not satisfactory for my taste. Getting bummed by FireFox.

Nina had problems adding facilitators and with time selector popup. Again, Firefox/Jquery issues

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BigBlueButton upgrades, tweaks

Installed yet another BBB build. Informed by firewall issues around Wowza server, had Network services fiddle with some settings to improve WebRTC audio. Continued working with kdbeard to solve off-campus issues. Dealt with disk full condition on server

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STEM Camera Server

The camera purchased by Physics to track the STEM project, much like all Security Cameras, pumps out video as a multi-part JPEG (real old school) or RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol, almost as old), to which modern browsers say, “What?”

The current best-practice seems to be setup an Adobe Media Server or equivalent. These products grab the RTSP stream from the camera and reformats it to RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) and/or HTTP streaming . Both RTMP and HTTP streaming are well understood by jwplayer, providing video on on the whole gamut of desktop and handheld devices.

Streaming Server Choices:

After bashing my head against the wall for a day or two crying to make Red5 go, I went for the equivalent Wowza Streaming Engine. Installed free trial, resulting in this fine moving image:

Negotiations with ETS/SAA ended with them purchasing a perpetual license with 3 years support ($1696.75)

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STEM Project camera

This started with an email from Luke Donforth

This summer, construction will begin on the UVM’s new STEM complex.
We’re interested in offering a live video-stream of the construction
site on our webpage.

We bought a Foscam F19805P and goe it up and running. We’ve succeeded
in remotely accessing an image in real-time; but it doesn’t seem to
have a native way of live-streaming without downloading their app and
logging in.

You should be able to access the webcam at
you’ll have to download their app, and then log in

It seems like it should be possible to pipe the image from the camera
into a live-feed that doesn’t require their app.

Followed shortly On 1/18/2015 3:40 PM, when Michelle Smith wrote:

I have been tasked with coordinating the STEM project website for the duration of the construction phase(s). Bob and I have had discussions with Kerry, and also with Jeff Wakefield in University Communications, about the Provost’s desire to create a webpage to highlight the STEM project throughout the construction phase. We understand that the webpage should include a live-video stream, as well as an up-to-date time-lapse video, and appropriate narrative and architectural graphics to showcase the project.

Two institutional examples that we anticipate emulating are the University of Delaware, and the University of Kentucky. The first link below will take you to the University of Delaware website for the ISElab (Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Lab).  Once there, you can view the video which is one of the choices shown below the main viewing screen.  This site was developed to utilize for donations and naming opportunities for their building.

This second link (below) is a multiple camera website at the University of Kentucky showing real-time photos of four different projects in construction with the ability to watch a time lapse video of the construction from beginning of construction up to now, along with the ability to use a calendar to see a photo history by the day.  This is one of the best websites of its kind that we have seen. Early next week I will contact my colleagues at the respective universities to discuss their planning methods for establishing the websites, as well as the expense to create and maintain them.

Regarding the STEM project, Luke Donforth and David Hammond in the Physics department contacted Capital Planning and Management this past week as the Physics department is also interested in offering a live video-stream of the STEM construction site. As Dennis mentions below, the Physics department has purchased a camera, a Foscam F19805P, and have tested it outside on the south end of the 4th floor of the Cook building.  The location provides a good view of the construction area, and the camera provides a high quality image. 

On Tuesday I met with Luke, David, and Wes Wright, from the Center for Teaching and Learning, who was involved in setting up the construction camera for the Davis Center project. Wes worked last week to set up remote access (off-campus) to the Physics department camera. He has also explored the top three options for servers/connections to enable the live video-stream to be available on the UVM website. “Wowza” ( is the option we are currently considering using for the STEM project, as it is utilizes the most modern communication protocols, as well as offers academic pricing for a Wowza server perpetual license, plus 3 years support. You can currently view the live stream at the following website, which is Wes’. He hosted it on his page in order to adjust the off-campus access.

I anticipate continuing to work with Wes, Kerry, and Jeff Wakefield in the immediate future to create the layout of the University STEM project website, and to refine the content. We will maintain communication with the Physics department, and expect to utilize the camera that is currently streaming live video of the laboratory building project site. I also anticipate that we will install at least one additional camera from either Williams Hall, or perhaps Lafayette, to provide additional perspective, and also to capture the Chiller Plant Expansion project as well.


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Email friendly BigBlueButton URLs

Edited our homegrown BBB front end so that it accepts “Join This Meeting” URLs that can be pasted into email messages or web pages.  Example


If referenced meeting not running, page refreshed every minute until meeting starts.

ToDo: create code that Generates these URLs as part of the Create Meeting process.

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Tina Escaja Velo City

She had a host of “hypertext poems” expressed as Flash applets. She needed them assembled and updated and deployed on her website. CSS, HTML, and php yielded



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