testing new radmind server

Original radmind server, skink, was anemic, capable of updating no more than 8 or 9 machines at a time without becoming unresponsive . ETS built a new one, been testing it.


Along the way, processed updates for adobe cs6 master collection (CMD), Lion (IMA206 – iPhoto 9.3.2; iMovie 9.0.8; java 2012-005; iTunes 10.6.3; remote desktop 3.6.0; macbook air update 1.0), and Everyone (JMP10, chrome 21)

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dSpace, Endnote, Gund

Former UVM staffer Hillary Archer and current Gund director Taylor Ricketts


I received this note from Hillary Archer, Project Manager Media Communications, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics. They are revising their site to better use the UVM template


And they want their Publications Page , currently at


to be database driven, searchable, looking something like this:


I met with her and discussed her options:

o Request the PHP code from UMN http://environment.umn.edu/forms/project_search_form.php , find someone who can modify it for Gund use. Note that data fields are different

o Find someone to build it all from scratch

o Use Dspace as a ‘back end’

Hillary liked the Dspace option. To that end, I used dSpace API to incorporate dSpace display and search requests through php and UVM template. I also wrote a parser to interpret and unload EndNote XML exports.

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TIF grant: pilot a ‘lecture capture’ solution for campus

Concise description of proposal.

Investigate and pilot a ‘lecture capture’ solution for campus. Project will obtain and install a variety of possible solutions, including the commercial products Echo360, Camtasia and Tegrity, and the open source OpenCast Matterhorn.  Software can be evaluated for free: budget represents approximate hardware costs.

Which of the following Goals & Objectives of the TIF Plan does your proposal support? (Check all that apply)

Objective 1.6: To provide appropriate technologies and services to student services that directly support student life and learning.

Objective 2.2: To enhance student learning by providing support programs for faculty, graduate teaching fellows, and other affiliated instructors wishing to optimize the use of multimedia and other instructional technologies.

Objective 2.3: To encourage innovation and creativity in teaching, learning, and student services in the context of generally-accepted standards and compatibility.

Briefly describe how your proposal supports the specific goals and objectives of the program.

By providing on-line, on-demand digital recordings of classroom lectures, we hope to provide additional avenues of student engagement with course materials. Lecture capture allows students to review material at their own pace and convenience, offers students more flexibility in note-taking, and allows students to catch up with a missed lecture. Lecture capture also enhances the potential for success for students struggling with difficult material in general, for ESL students as well as students with learning disabilities, increasing their potential for success and enhancing their potential for graduating in a timely manner. Other campuses report that it reduces the amount of time needed for remedial counseling and advising and has the effect of creating more time for instructors, particularly in large enrollment classes.

1 Epiphan Systems’ Matterhorn Capture Device™ (MCD) 1,020
2 Dell OptiPlex 390 Small Form Factor $720
2 Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 $100
1 Epiphan Systems VGA2USB™  $300

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CTL Events Registration

Maintain and develop CTL events calendar and registration. New features request found HERE


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Lab machine updates

Lab machine updates: creating Mac and Windows (via Parallels VM) system images for CTL, CMD, English A206 and others. Workflow is install one new update (system or application); run differences engine; upload difference transcript to sever; update command files to incorporate new transcript; repeat

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Upgrading My WordPress:

Click new version download from their webpage in safari. In downloads window right click and get URL of download. ssh to zoo, wget address from above. Unzip in temp direcoty and rename wordpress folder as wordpress-x.y.z . Move that dir into public_html

ln -s wordpress-x.y.x wordpress
cd wordpress-x.y.x
mv wp-content wp-content.orig
cp ../wordpress/magicscript.php .
cp ../wordpress/defaultmenu.html .
ln -s ../wordpress-2.8/wp-content wp-content
ln -s ../wordpress-2.8/wp-upload wp-upload
ln -s ../wordpress-2.8/wp-config.php wp-config.php
mv index.php default.php
cd ..
ln -sf wordpress-x.y.z wordpress

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Testing for meeting with Across the Fence people

ACROSS THE FENCE: “University of Vermont Extension Food and Nutrition Specialist Dianne Lamb Demonstrates and Provides Tips on Making Jams, Jellies and Butters”

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More embedding fun

Here it is in brackets

Here is a plain-text URL

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Video embedded using HTML 5 video tag

Video embedded using HTML 5 video tag and Flash gizmo as backup. Contast this with previous post, which was updated to include clever javascript to account for Safari/Firefox issues.

This text will be replaced

var so = new SWFObject(‘https://www.uvm.edu/~waw/podcast_folder/player.swf’,’mp1′,’400′,’300′,’9′);

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Embedded video from Media and Podcast manager

This text will be replaced

players: [{type:”html5″},{type:”flash”,src:”https://www.uvm.edu/~waw/podcast_folder//player.swf”}],
file: “https://www.uvm.edu/~waw/podcast_folder/not_skiing/h/2010_01_22.mp4”,
height: 270,
width: 480

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