Category Archives: Wes

Problem with archived list of events

On Feb 28, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Ines Berrizbeitia <> wrote: Hi Wes, ‘Tis me, again, with another problem. 😀 On this page: I noticed when making some tweaks that the list of archived events doesn’t seem to be … Continue reading

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Events calendar mystery solved

On Mar 4, 2013, at 11:17 AM, Wendy Verrrei-Berenback <> wrote: Disallowed Key Characters: pspw1-8520-PORTAL-PSJSESSIONID using Firefox 19 The Events Calendar code utilizes a “software framework” (viz. ) called CodeIgnitor. When processing any sort of input (URL, form input via GET … Continue reading

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Password Protection tool

Client reported tool ( wasn’t behaving.   Some time ago, the webteam decided to change their convention for providing friendly urls. They create a friendly alias in htdocs, and point it at a folder named website in the owners home … Continue reading

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Silk Servers and perl

Jim McGarry, Exam Proctoring center, sent me this question:  This html has been working for years apparently up to the end of Fall 2012 semester; it calls a program to send email & to create a flat file in the … Continue reading

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Gund Back

Taylor Ricketts returned: So we’re adding to our publications database, and now including books and book chapters.  These have slightly different formatting conventions than journal articles (e.g., we need to list the publisher, there is no journal title, etc.). So … Continue reading

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Big Blue Button users Pintauro, Henry, Atwood, Exler

Stephen J. Pintauro, Ph.D., Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, wrote: I would like to try using BigBlueButton in my NFS 243 (Advanced Nutrition) class this semester.  I mostly want to have my TA try it as a way of … Continue reading

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Lab images:CTL 303, CMD

Updated 20 machines in Baily-Howe 303 to latest and greatest. Process uncannily smooth.   Meanwhile, David Trautman ran update process on CMD machines and reported Adobe After Effects is crashing upon startup on all the machines. I backed off a … Continue reading

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Conference call/screen share with TextHelp / Read&Write

Spent close to an hour with Mike and Jessica from TextHelp regarding Mac and Win “installers,” remembering of course that calling them such is a kindness. Short story: they feel our pain. Longer Story: include some sort of instructions to, … Continue reading

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Lab Images

A major time suck getting Zotero and various preferences right, but mission accomplished, at least in terms of preparing the image. Now being tested by CTL staff. Met with new guy  David Trautman <> from library who is going to take … Continue reading

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Lab images

After some good progress, a hidden monkey wrench was discovered in the works. It was discovered when the latest updates to MS Office 2011 yielded immediate crashes trying top open any office app. Problem traced down to a mismatch of … Continue reading

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