Lab images:CTL 303, CMD

Updated 20 machines in Baily-Howe 303 to latest and greatest. Process uncannily smooth.


Meanwhile, David Trautman ran update process on CMD machines and reported Adobe After Effects is crashing upon startup on all the machines. I backed off a couple of Adobe CS6 update transcripts (removed transcripts adobe_cs6.03U_master.T and adobe_cs6.04U_master.T from command file adobe_cs6_master.K) as a temporary fix. Machines will need to be re-imaged. David Ran the updates, After Effects still crashes on start up. Also noticed that Adobe Audition is doing the same thing.


My office test machines works fine, so I guess I need to  pay a housecall

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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