Category Archives: Video Labs
CMD Help
Played TechCat for Harley at the CMD, including further investigation of iMovie export issued reported by Ted Lyman.
Williams Lab Issues
Investigated a number of WIlliams lab issues for Ted Lyman
CMD Help
Filled in for Harley at CMD, helped 3 needy customers
Art Scanners
Art department reported problems with Epson scanners: would scane once then report "no scanner attached." Oddly, fixed by running software update (including 10.4.2 = > 10.4.3) Took a while to track down.
CMD Help
Filled in for Harley, helped several needy customers
CMD Help
Installed MS Office on 2 CMD Macs; helped several customers
Print Server Makeover, Art Lab
I decommissioned the old 400 MHz, 386MB RAM G4 and configured the newer 733MHz G4, 512MB RAM G4 as the New Improved Print Server Mark II. This entailed configure the new machine’s network settings so that it obtains a "fixed" … Continue reading
Art Lab Update
Rebuilt local user directories; updated permisions on an Adobe folder to allow PhotoShop "Browse" to work; system updates applied to all 12 machines
Art Lab Update
Tom Brennan passed along a number of Art Lab Issues PhotoShop, File Menu, Browse: supposed to open a file browser (now implimented as a separate application called Adobe Bridge). Adobe Photoshop returns the error, "Error 2: photoshop is undefined. Line … Continue reading
XEROX 7700 printing and other issue in art lab
Jane Petrillo was having issues printing to the Art lab 7700 printer. It worked fine for us when we me, of course — once we put paper in. I suggested the problem probably was a "Stopped Printer" condition on the … Continue reading