Category Archives: Video Labs
New Macs in CMD
CMD got two new PowerPC G5 dual 2.3 GHz Macs. Unpacked boxes, created updated software disk image on external firewire drive, tetsted operation of target software, and imaged the disk on new machines so that they were ready for deployment.
Media Techcats
Met with Holly, Judi, Paul, Harley, Malachi, and the media techcats to discuss policies, procedures, and the like. my notes: 1) introductions: a) who are you (TechCats). I need everyone’s NetID for 2b below malichi wesley … Continue reading
Pharos printing in Library
Trying to get Mac-to-Pharos-print-server printing set up in Library. Here’s what Kor told me: The server is The queues are:Reference Printer – Lexmark T634 bw_cash_queue bw_catscratch_queueLibrary Cyber Cafe Black and White – Canon iR6570 CafeBWCash_queue CafeBWCatscratch_queueLibrary Cyber Cafe Color … Continue reading
Lab Redux
Regenerated clean lab images for Art and CMD with all latest Mac and Adobe updates, tested with all scanners. Fixed a nefarious problem with qmasterd, where the Apple Qmaster Daemon would not start because of a mysterious /Libary/StartUpItems/Qmaster/.disabled file that … Continue reading
Jane Petrillo
Conference with Jane Petrillo regarding lab problems
Sat in CMD, helped one customer, investigated one issue, updated this blog, updated cattracks.
Williams 308 Disk
Installed second disk drive in animation stand computer to recover files left on drive last week when said drive was in a different computer because original animation stand computer fried its power supply.
Art Lab Fixes
Investigated and solved a host of problems: Student lost work on smb://zoofiles/homes as a result of TSG moving files, helped her cope Investigated problem with Xerox 7700 Phaser printer: requires a new Print Cartridge, which is separate and distinct from … Continue reading