Category Archives: Scripts – Programming
helped p plourde install mediawiki worked on CMD workstation purchase proposal helped d jacobowitz with script password protection video server configuration and testing finished porting to linux
Activity Log
prepared detailed analysis of purchase options for Center for Multimedia Development workstation(s) continued testing of media server worked on porting to linux, which really meant porting — the perl/capi interface glue
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went through scripts on with fined toothed comb, looking for keepers, mission critiical apps, and junk. Created and discussed master list with f swasey. scripts are being migrated from AIX to Linux prepared time estimate for paul bierman regarding … Continue reading
Activity Log
tracked down issue with new Tiger iCal application and related to meetings displayed in UTC rather than local time provided consulting to D Jacobowitz for perl CGI-BIN programming at UVM tested new Cisco VPN clients finally figured out how … Continue reading
Landscape Change Project: Adding new fields
On May 12, 2005, at 11:29 AM, paul bierman wrote: Anyhow, we are starting in on image uploading and data collection > soon for the summer and there will be three students working. Any chance that you could help us … Continue reading
WordPress upgrade part 2: Making UVM a Theme
As part of the 1.2 to 1.5 WordPress upgrade, I thought I would try to see if the UVM template would work in the context of the new Themes mechanism. Yes, it does. Here’s how I got there: basically, followed … Continue reading
Activity Log
Provided consultation to J Ryder and F Swasey regarding options for updated coding and implemntation of CatCard "take money from my credit card and apply to CatScratch" scripts investigated Apple Mail problems arising from Tiger — both my own and … Continue reading
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helped kent with new media server configuration, testing post install Tiger problems/solutions c lamont mediawiki problems
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met with t lyman to address saving files to DOS formatted firewire drive install Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger helped c lamont with mediawiki install, mysql issues
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asnwered mysql admin questions for pat brown worked with c lamont on mediawiki met with m tignor to discuss/fix dspace admin stuff, groups, e-people, future