Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

Activity Log

investigated process for extracting (via trickery) images from PDF files Realplayer streaming video advice for C Mazzoni

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Communications with Brian Bittman/WRUV on variety of streaming scenarios

Posted in Projects, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Consultation with C Goodnight regarding ODBC, Excel, and R on a Macintosh reloaded 700+ geology images into dspace

Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Dspace Handle Server

Well, this went easier than I thought, although I was sweating nervously during the process. I configured the CNRI’s Handle system for use with Dspace, following the official Dspace instructions  and these notes. Requested a global handle from CNRI. Received … Continue reading

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Configured Dspace handle server cleaned out spare firewire drive for steve

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Dspace updates

After much discussion, badger finally received 240 GB of free disk storage via an NFS share on . This is temporary until TSG can spec out, order, and install a dedicated drive (apparently the NFS space is needed back … Continue reading

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log

mysql admin for c behr Mike found 200 GB of NFS space for badger. I helped configure it and populate it with data advised dspace users that it was safe to enter the water again

Posted in Documentation, Dspace, mysql, Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log

reassured M Tignor that if Dspace dissappears, we can preserve his data more political wrangling for disk space addressed issues with art lab print server left early, whacked my knee into a tree

Posted in Documentation, Dspace, Projects, Systems and Servers, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Communicated Dspace situation to M Tignor web publishing advice sent to CTL Docs updated k kennedy on dspace project vs other similar efforts advised t streeter on blog use investigated reported  landscape change bug

Posted in Blogs, Documentation, Dspace, Landscape Change, Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Art Lab Print Server

On Mar 2, 2005, at 1:27 PM, Katherine Marmor wrote: hi – the print server is giving me fits and my students are struggling with it  and the printers both xerox 7700 and epson 7600. could you come by  this … Continue reading

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Systems and Servers, Video Labs | Leave a comment