Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

New Intel mac

Unpack, configure, install, test, migrate

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Web Team meeting

Tatianna and I met informally for about an hour on Wednesday. These note are reproduced from memory, and may contain errors or ommisions.. Mostly, we enumerated a project list: Projects (partial list) update campus map web interface for UVM Web … Continue reading

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Landscape Change Project: thinking

I’m currently giving serious consideration to a hashed asset store for the images, rather than /:/perkins/landscape/Addision or /:/perkins/landscape/photos/Addison/LS10560_000.jpg, something like /asset_store/10/56/LS10560_000.jpg /asset_store/10/56/LS10560_001.jpg we can then dump all the other LS10560 related bitstreams in the same bucket. Also might want to … Continue reading

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Landscape Change Project: meeting

Progress reports, planning roadmap.

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Videoconferencing is still silly

Terry Reilly asked about desktop video conferencing for distance learning, which gave me a chance to review the current (and past) crop of "solutions." The Chat Applications Pro: AIM, MSN, etc. operate the "directory server" which facilitates connections by mapping … Continue reading

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Media Techcats

Met with Holly, Judi, Paul, Harley, Malachi, and the media techcats to discuss policies, procedures, and the like. my notes: 1) introductions:    a) who are you (TechCats). I need everyone’s NetID for 2b below         malichi        wesley        … Continue reading

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Visited with Foster Nye to learn about their Codian MCU 4205 and associated video conferencing services. Don’t forget Foster’s phone number!

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Cristina's World Literature Class

One and one half hour Web Page (with Mozilla Composer) construction class

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Cristina’s World Literature Class

One and one half hour Web Page (with Mozilla Composer) construction class

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Jane Kolodinsky's honors class

One hour iMovie workshop.

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