Category Archives: Documentation
Activity Log
Updating this blog; updating my other blog; writing notes to BLOGGING list, accounting for my time.
Update CIT To Do List
Took a quick tour through the CIT site, looking for anything that looked like a script or form, and provided a link to such in the top-level "to do list" content area. See how long before anyone notices…. (tee-hee — … Continue reading
September Activity Report
Prepared September activity report
Activity Log
met with geoff Duke and Rob Ryan ( to discuss counseling center needs "Record" video from several different computers, and recordings done on each computer by more than one user (ccdesk or wbrownsw). Video saved to a secure location, probably … Continue reading gets noticed by others
People are showing interest in my calendar scripts. is a perl script. It uses a perl module I developed called Capi which provides a perl XSUB interface to the Oracle Calendar "capi" (Calendar API) library distributed on the Oracle … Continue reading
Activity Log
solved a mysql password issue for Adam Carr from Binary Blacksmith — the company hired to create the Rideshare board. rideshare (note to self: add a username check in Doug’s Perseus account creation script sent email to DaVaughn M. … Continue reading
Making New Lab Macs
The CMD (Center for Multimedia Development) got hold of a new dual 2.7GHz G5 workstation with 1.5GB RAM and a 250 GB HD. This provided a clean slate on which to draw a nice, clean lab image, suitable for replication … Continue reading
Activity Log
updated blog with progress reports communications with b bittman/wruv about upcoming icecast server experimented with ohphonex
Activity Log
more correspondence with p bierman about searching web sites and image maps updated amanda daly on state of WRUV streaming project helped c mazzoni with MS Media Player issues
Activity Log
mysql admin for c behr Mike found 200 GB of NFS space for badger. I helped configure it and populate it with data advised dspace users that it was safe to enter the water again