Making New Lab Macs

The CMD (Center for Multimedia Development) got hold of a new dual 2.7GHz G5 workstation with 1.5GB RAM and a 250 GB HD.

This provided a clean slate on which to draw a nice, clean lab image, suitable for replication in the CMD and usable as a basis for a similar installation on G5 iMacs in the Art Lab.

Step 1

Unpack new machine, plug it in, turn it on.

Go through setup, create two accounts: an admin (CMD or ART) account with full privileges, and a user account named "customer" (UID=502, member of group customer GID=502)

Step 2

Open Directory access to create ldap configuration:

    Click lock to enable changes

    Click on LDAPv3 then Configure

    Click New…

    FIll in: Server address, encrypt using SSL

    Click Continue

    Mappings — Select a Template, RC 2307 (Unix)

    Searchbase should be dc=uvm,dc=edu

    Click Continue, click OK

    Give new configuration a name, and click edit

    Set Query Times out to 15 seconds,

    then click on Search & mappings tab

    click on Users. Set search base to dc=uvm,dc=edu

    Click Users drop down triangle.

    change UniqueID, change map from uidNumber to uvmAltUID

    change PrimaryGroupID, map to uvmAltGID

    change NFSHomeDirectory, map to uvmAltHomeDir

    click ok, ok

    Step 3 — Add Admin directory

    Create new Folder /Library/Admin

    Fill with stuff from

    change owner to root:admin

    Step 4 — enable loginhook


    sudo defaults write LoginHook /Library/Admin/

    Step 5 — Add refresh folder

    Copied from previous image, named /Library/Management . Contains a

    pristine copy of /Users/customer

    Step 6 — Install Applications

    Install all you lab apps, Fugu, Fetch, Mozilla, FireFox, Realplayer

    Step 7 — make image

    Boot from Tiger Install DVD, if you can. Attach external firewire drive. Run Disk Utility Select Firewire drive, choose "Restore" option, drag source and target disks. This goes much smoother when you boot from a DVD than trying to restore to Firewire from boot disk.

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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