Category Archives: –Project Summary
New Landscape Server
Ben Coddington told me: We’ve had some loading lately when bots crawl /landscape. Looks like /landscape often opens its own files through the web server, which clogs things up. The worst requests are like these: /landscape/search/details.php?ls=55237&sequence=000&set_seq=3533&imageSet=1367046201-517b7839a64eb&AddRel= They make several self-requests … Continue reading
Events calendar data mining
Answering presidents questions: who do we serve and how. Ingesting data from footprints via short filtering scripts, constructing reports via SQ
Odds and Ends
oddball stuff that people ask me to look at, explain, fix, etc. Call it Academic Computing. bof·fin noun ˈbä-fən Colloquial word used to refer to highly trained specialists in their respective fields; especially when the exact field of specialty … Continue reading
dSpace, Endnote, Gund
Former UVM staffer Hillary Archer and current Gund director Taylor Ricketts I received this note from Hillary Archer, Project Manager Media Communications, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics. They are revising their site to better use the UVM template … Continue reading
TIF grant: pilot a ‘lecture capture’ solution for campus
Concise description of proposal. Investigate and pilot a ‘lecture capture’ solution for campus. Project will obtain and install a variety of possible solutions, including the commercial products Echo360, Camtasia and Tegrity, and the open source OpenCast Matterhorn. Software can be … Continue reading
CTL Events Registration
Maintain and develop CTL events calendar and registration. New features request found HERE
Lab machine updates
Lab machine updates: creating Mac and Windows (via Parallels VM) system images for CTL, CMD, English A206 and others. Workflow is install one new update (system or application); run differences engine; upload difference transcript to sever; update command files to … Continue reading