Taylor wrote
formatting – still some minor things here. Remember, we have 3 types of publications: journal article, book, and book section. That should be recorded a field in the database we send you. Here are specifics:– journal articles: look great.– books: please don’t underline the Publisher or Place Published fields. Look at ‘Zia (2013). Post-Kyoto Climate Governance… ‘. That’s perfect, except nothing should be underlined. Same with all other books.– book sections: formatting still a bit off on these. Formatting should be Author (Year). Title. Editor. Book Title. Publisher. Place Published. Pages.For example, here is a listing in the database:. (2011) Mainstreaming Natural Capital into Decisions. Oxford University Press, New York. Pages 3-14;And here’s what we’d like it to look like:. (2011) Mainstreaming Natural Capital into Decisions. in Kareiva, P., Tallis, H., Ricketts. T.H., Daily, G.C. Polasky, S. Natural Capital: Theory and practice of mapping ecosystem services. Oxford University Press, New York. Pages 3-14.Keywords. This is really the only new element to the project. We’d like people to be able to not only search on people or keywords, but also to filter the publications by our 3 main research themes. We’d like to have 3 simple clickable buttons or words at the top, like the search box, where they can click on one of our three themes and get a search result of papers that fall into that theme. To make this possible, we are adding to the keywords field for each publication a code corresponding to each of our three research themes. We are hoping you can add the clickable words or buttons and then have D-base search on those unique codes to produce the filtered publications list. It’s essentially setting up 3 canned searches, on codewords that we give you and that we’ll put into each record.
I think I got it