Migrate BBB front end from Drupal 6.x to 7.x, add BBB v.8.x features

Migrate BBB front end from Drupal 6.x to 7.x, add BBB v.8.x features. Current BBB interface at https://www.uvm.edu/ctl/apps/bigbluebutton uses Drupal 6.28 and a hacked instance of the BBB Drupal module. Plan to move all to ETS “silk” server http://ctl.w3.uvm.edu/

So far, I installed Drupal 7. Working out authentication/authorization issues

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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