Student asked about
my website.
Long reply:
‘"virtual directory value relative from the root" of my website. ‘ may have several interpretations, and may have different values and meanings depending upon the context and the server environment.
For example, you could use the PHP Magic Constant
as in
$virtual_directory_value = dirname( __FILE__ );
Which, in the case say of this script
has the value of
Which isn’t so much the "virtual directory value relative from the root" as it is the absolute path of the directory containing the script. And, on, at least, a value that may change, since sometimes CIT Technical Resources groups shifts users from one physical disk (rack1e above) to another without warning — so beware if you ever hard-code this value in a script as opposed to obtaining it from the Magic Constant.
$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] but this is not my virtual root, but
something else entirely (it is /racka5/http-data/htdocs). For example,
We have the following other $HTTP_SERVER_VARS
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /users/w/a/waw/public_html/archives/dog.php
[SCRIPT_URL] => /~waw/archives/dog.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /~waw/archives/dog.php
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /~waw/archives/dog.php
$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[SCRIPT_FILENAME] is a preferred alternative to Magic Constant __FILE__, as it returns a fixed alias for the absolute path name of the script. In general, any users alias is formed using the convention
where x is the first letter of the use’rs NetID, y is the second letter of the user’s NetID, and xyzzzzz is the user’s netid. But again, such conventions are only needed if and when you have to hard-code such a value in a script (usually when you are using some package like older versions of phpBB or wordpress or mediawiki that cat figure it out themselves).
I expect SCRIPT_FILENAME is what you think you are looking for. Then
$spaw_dir = '/spaw/';
$spaw_root = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$spaw_dir;
$spaw_dir = '/spaw/';
$spaw_root = dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME ']).$spaw_dir;
But now let’s put that in the context of the uvmsnow site. If your spaw code lives here
and the code you want to have USE spaw is here
Then the code in, say, admin/demo.php that reads
$spaw_dir = '/spaw/';
$spaw_root = dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME ']).$spaw_dir;
include $spaw_root.'spaw_control.class.php';
tries to include "/users/u/v/uvmsnow/public_html/admin/spaw/"
But that ain’t right — unless you put a copy of /spaw/ in admin. But then ,if you want to use spew from code in another folder, you have to do the same thing. Messy.
So, you could do something funky like this
$spaw_dir = '/spaw/';
while (!file_exists($spaw_root.$spaw_dir) && $i < 10) {
$spaw_root =dirname($spaw_root);
include $spaw_root.'spaw_control.class.php';
The $i helps to keep the loop in check in case of typos, missing folders, etc.