It goes something like this:
Before you get started, we highly recommend using the free FireFox browser for PC or Macintosh. Many "Write a Post" and "Upload a File" features do not work with other brands.
First, If this is your first time, scroll down the Let’s Debate home page ( ) and look for "Register" under the "meta" heading in the left and column
Register using any username you wish, but be sure to use your real email address. A password will be emailed to you.
Registering is enough to post comments to the Let’s Debate blog, but it isn’t enough to upload a file. You also need to send a personal email message to the Let’s Debate Administrator requesting that you be approved as an "author," which grants upload privileges. Send mail to
Once you are registered AND approved as an Author, scroll down the LetsDebate home page and look for "Login" under the "meta" heading in the left hand column
Login using the username you provided above and the password that was emailed to you
You should now see the Let’s Debate blog Dashboard.
If this is you first visit, you are advised to click on Profile (or Update your profile or change your password). Fill in as mush (or as little!) as you wish; however, we highly recommend setting a new password for yourself.
Now, click on Write…
You’ll see a screen looking something like this
Go ahead and start typing up a title for your Post and some text to accompany your video. Note that you can use the tool bar to format you text, just like a word processor
When you are done, position the cursor at a spot where you would like to provide a link to your video
Now, scroll down a little to see the Upload dialog
Click the Browse button (NOT Browse All) and find the video file on your computer that you wish to upload. Then, provide a title and description for the file, and finally click the Upload button.
The Upload Dialog changes to show the uploaded file — listed by its Title — under a Browse tab.
Click on the blue title, and the view changes again
Click on "Send to editor" to insert the link in your Post content
Finally, click the Publish button to publish you Post and video.