filter-media, ugly JPEGS, TIFFs, and Java Advanced Imaging

I learned way more about java today than I wanted to, but it was for a good cause.

I had a mess of images scanned by our Geology Department and imported into Dspace. Filter-media produced some ugly thumbnails for these (and only these) images:

original —
Thumb —

Meanwhile, all these Geology JPEGs had high-res TIFF files associated with them, too. I wanted TIFF thumbnails. So I started hacking away at And I discovered "Java Advanced Imaging" —  I downloaded "JavaTM Advanced Imaging 1.1.2 CLASSPATH install" and "Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools 1.0"

Installed the jars and .so files in dspace-1.2.1beta4-source/lib Added some "import" statements and 3 lines of new code to , and like magic, two birds killed with one stone

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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