The following supports and resources were identified by our campus partners as needed in the future to do their work most effectively. (Note that this project and website now meets some of these wishes!)
Professional Development and Training:
- NVivo workshops
- Training on visualization tools
- Digital mapping methods
- Documentary film skills
- More availability of Adobe Create Cloud and training in Illustrator
Campus Support:
- NVivo point-person for technical support and training
- Transcription services
- IRB should have more understanding of newer qualitative research techniques (tho’ noted improvements in recent years)
- Graduate programs
- A Center for Qualitative Research at the library with staff to help you, support students & faculty, hold drop-in help hours
- Monthly gathering of qualitative research faculty to discuss and help each other
- Repository of Qualitative Research course syllabi from across colleges
- More/better training opportunities for undergrad students doing thesis work
- Organized list of campus scholars who use various methods
- A colloquium series on research methods with both campus scholars and non-UVM speakers to visit and share their work; showcase annually for UVM qualitative scholars
- Language translation/interpreter service
- Grant-writing and funding support
Software/Hardware, etc.:
- Transcription machines and/or software
- Small tablet/chrome-book for overseas research/travel