Legal Authority Imposters 

The legal authority imposter scam has presented itself as one of the more common scams state-wide. In 2021, CAP recorded 277 reports of the Legal Authority Imposter Scam and nearly $200,000 in cumulative loss by six Vermonters. In this scam, a call comes in unexpectedly, claiming to be someone of legal authority: a sheriff, police officer, law office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, for example. The caller expresses an urgent distressing problem, often threatening arrest, and eventually requests payment for the problem to go away. Stop all scams by following the SLOW Method.      Continue reading

SLAM the SCAM: Hang up on government imposters!

Receiving a call from someone claiming to be from the government can be alarming. These calls can be threatening in nature, claiming your personal information or identification was involved in a crime, or money is owed to a federal agency. On the other hand, sometimes these calls are more positive which offer fake opportunities for government grants, entitlements, or benefits. If you suspect that you are being targeted by a scam, the best thing you can do is not respond. If you receive a scam call, SLAM the SCAM by hanging up! Continue reading


In 2021, CAP received 1,173 complaints and recovered more than $240,000 for Vermont consumers. Claiming the list’s top spots are complaints involving vehicles, retail, and home improvement, respectively – representing approximately 44 percent of all complaints filed.            Continue reading

Home Improvement Fraud Has No Boundaries

There exist many risks when considering who is acceptable to hire to complete the desired home improvement. Home improvement fraud (HIF) exists within the contractor profession. In HIF, contractors promise to improve your home, but leave projects incomplete. Before hiring a contractor for a home improvement project, do your research. Review tips for avoiding home improvement fraud. If you have a problem with a home improvement project or want to research a contractor before hiring them, contact CAP for assistance by visiting or by calling 1-800-649-2424. Continue reading

Wretched Robocalls 

Reports of scams have not dropped below the 5,000 mark since before 2015 in large part due to robocalls. After nearly a decade, it’s clear these calls are not going away on their own.   While scam nature varies, the one thing these scams have in common is the criminal use of expanded phone technology. In short, scammers have learned how to manipulate our phone systems to make millions of unscrupulous calls per minute. As long as they continue to make money, they will continue to call with enticing offers and troubling spiels.

When you get these troubling calls, pause and take time to reflect. Take steps to verify. Discuss the scams with friends and loved ones regularly. Keep on reporting them. Vermonters can help stop robocalls by reporting them to the Consumer Assistance Program: CAP’s online scam reporting form.   Continue reading