Is that toll payment request is from the toll operator or a scammer?

If you have recently traveled across New England, or maybe even to New York, or New Jersey, you may encounter a toll road. We don’t have toll roads in Vermont, so when we stumble upon them while traveling, the encounter can feel like a new occurrence. Twenty years ago, when the highway sign alerted of an upcoming toll, I would frantically dig around the car for spare coins to hopefully gather enough change to allow me to pass through the toll.

While some tolls have cash and booth payments, I experienced a new toll system a few years ago. While driving in another New England state, I was surprised to see there was no toll booth on a well-traveled toll road, but a digitized pass-through. There was no need to collect change, because the toll was now a series of cameras that would capture my car and license plate by photo and bill me later. While sparing me the unfortunate scenario of being short change, the new system offered a new convenience. The toll booths can seem so stealthy that sometimes, I must admit, I don’t notice them. It’s the not knowing that can make this new scam seem plausible. What if you did travel recently, passed through tolls, and haven’t been asked to pay anything yet?

When scammers text, posing as familiar toll operators and say things like, “Please pay your toll to avoid fines and keep your driver’s license in good standing,” how can you tell if it is the toll operator requesting payment, or a scammer?

The primary identifier is that legitimate toll operators will contact you by mail for any actual delinquent fees incurred when utilizing a toll road without paying.

Do not respond to unsolicited text, emails, or calls demanding payment. Always avoid links from unknown or unsolicited messages.

When in doubt, check it out. Always take steps to verify unknown contacts by using publicly available contact information, not information provided by the solicitor. You may also confirm any state’s toll fee assessment with their tolling agency.

Report scams to the Consumer Assistance Program at or by phone at 1-800-649-2424.

National Consumer Protection Week Feature: Can Debt be Managed?

Financial stability looks different for everyone. When we have a life event that creates instability, knowing your rights about debt collection (outlined in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)) can help you manage contact from a debt collector. There are community resources and companies that may be able to help you develop a debt recovery plan. However, be cautious and do your research before you set up a debt management plan.

Know your rights! When managing debt, you may receive calls from a collection agency hired by the creditor. 

Know what debt collectors cannot do:

  • Contact you before 8am or after 9pm
  • Contact you at work if you ask them not to
  • Discuss your debt with others
  • Threaten you or use obscene language
  • Misrepresent the amount owed
  • Try and collect interest, fees, or other charges on top of the amount you owe

Be careful in dealing with companies offering debt management services, also called debt adjustment or debt consolidation.

If you choose to use a for-profit debt settlement option, it’s important that you use caution. These private, for-profit businesses may offer to settle your debts for less than you owe by working directly with creditors.

The Federal Trade Commission provides the following cautions about for-profit debt settlement:

  • There might be a negative impact on your credit report and credit score. Debt settlement programs often ask — or encourage — you to stop sending payments directly to your creditors. That means late fees and penalties may grow, put you further in the debt, and hurt your credit.
  • Creditors might start debt collection. While you’re in the debt settlement program you may still get calls from debt collectors requesting repayment.
  • You might not be able to settle all your debts. Your creditors have no obligation to agree to negotiate a settlement of the amount you owe. Debt settlement companies also often try to negotiate smaller debts first, leaving interest and fees on large debts to grow.
  • You might not finish the whole program. Many people have trouble making payments long enough to get all — or even some — of their debts settled.
  • There could be tax consequences. Any savings you get from debt relief services could be considered income and taxable. Talk to a tax professional to learn how this might affect your situation.

Avoiding scams
There are many debt settlement scams out there. Any company offering debt settlement or debt adjustment services in our state must be licensed with the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation.  You can check a license online by searching for the business name on

Helpful services
You can work directly with your creditors to negotiate a debt settlement without using a third party. There are also nonprofit debt settlement services you can use instead of using private, for-profit companies that can come with risks.  Local Community Action Agencies are a great resource for free advice too.  You can find additional resources at

You can take action to tackle your debt but be cautious of organizations that may try to take advantage. You have the power to protect yourself and your finances. 

If you have any questions about next steps, you can always contact the Consumer Assistance Program at 1-800-649-2424. 

National Consumer Protection Week Feature: Preparing for Home Heating Deliveries in Winter

As Vermonters, we are no strangers to cold temperatures and snow-filled winters. Winter can be long and cold, with temperatures ranging from single digits to below zero. This is why home heating is essential, especially during the colder months of the year. Currently, we are in the middle of heating season, which occurs every year from November 1st to April 15th. Heating season is one of the busiest times of year for heating fuel providers.

Whether it be the snow causing delays on the road or preventing trucks from safely accessing your tank to tight schedules for deliveries, here are some tips that could potentially avoid delays in your delivery of heating fuel:

Making a Plowing Plan

Be aware of upcoming weather events that may affect your expected delivery. If you are expecting a delivery during a snowstorm or after snowfall, make sure your driveway is adequately plowed and sanded so the truck can safely drive up to your tank. Live on a private drive? Call your provider to make a plan to ensure the delivery can occur as scheduled.

Calling Ahead

Keep an eye on your tank gauge during the colder months, regardless of your delivery status. For example, if you are on will call, it is generally recommended to call your provider while your tank is between 40-30% full. However, each provider may have their own requirement, so check with your provider to see when a delivery should be scheduled.

Having a tank at 10% can make you vulnerable to running out of heating fuel, especially during heating season when your providers’ delivery schedule can quickly fill up. Waiting to schedule a delivery may result in an emergency delivery fee or special trip charge to avoid a no heat situation.

Shopping Around

If you own your tank and do not have a contract with a specific provider, you may be able to call other providers. For example, No. 2 fuel gives you the ability to contact other providers in your area if your usual provider cannot schedule you. On the other hand, propane can be different. If you are looking to switch providers, this may require a tank swap. Vermont has specific protections for propane customers when requesting termination of service from your provider. Call CAP for more information.

Still having trouble with a delivery? Call CAP at (800) 649-2424 or email us at

If you or someone you know is having trouble affording heat this winter, there are programs in Vermont that may be able to help. Please see our past Staying Warm This Winter post for additional information.

The Vermont Attorney General’s Office enforces a Consumer Protection Rule (CP 111) specific to the regulation of propane. Propane consumers are entitled to, among other rights: the disclosure of fees before service begins, notice of changes to fees or new fees, notice prior to a change in credit status, and certain protections for disconnections. 

Have questions about the Consumer Protection Rule (CP) 111? Call CAP at (800) 649-2424.

CAP provides a letter mediation service for consumer issues facing Vermont residents. If you have experienced an issue with your home heating provider, contact the Consumer Assistance Program.

National Consumer Protection Week Feature: Car Savvy Consumers

Auto complaints are a top complaint received by the Consumer Assistance Program every year. Cars are both an important transportation resource and, sometimes, an extension of personal identity. Outside your home, a car purchase may be one of the most expensive purchases a person may make. Consumers may be eager to buy a new car after long periods of saving. Usually buying a handful of cars in their lifetime, consumers are at a disadvantage to dealers, who sell cars every day. There is an emotional component to buying a car that consumers should also be aware of – this is true of brand-new cars, or “new to you” used vehicles that may have had previous owners.  

Buying a New or Used Car: 1) Do detailed research, 2) Get a thorough test drive, 3) Get representations in writing, 4) E-sign is not required, 5) Stay alert throughout signing

Online Research: Using the Internet as your tool, research different makes and models that have the features you are looking for. Once you have a new car in mind, look up the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), which is the manufacturer’s recommendation on vehicle pricing. You can usually find this information on the manufacturer’s website. Also check pricing through online forums, such as Reddit, where many consumers post about their experiences with different cars. Don’t take everything you read from other consumers as fact. Gather information that will help you make an informed decision.   

Test Drive: Once you have a clear idea of the car you want, it is time to go to the dealership. Make clear to the salesperson what you want to try without expressing your interest in buying. If you share how much you like the car, or are excited, salespeople may seek to capitalize on this knowledge when negotiating. Try to stay calm and neutral to help get the best deal.  

Trust your own research over verbal representations. After selecting a car, you will move on to the paperwork, a process which can feel cumbersome for consumers. People tend to relax after selecting the car they want, which is a huge choice. Stay alert throughout the signing.  

Most people do not buy cars frequently, but a salesperson sells cars every day. Because of this, they are better at selling than you are at buying. One very common strategy used in car sales is to stretch out the car deal. This can be exhausting for the consumer, making it harder to make thoughtful decisions. 

You may be asked to provide an electronic signature on a tablet or computer. This can be problematic as you may not see or comprehend the document. It is easy to miss key facts when reading on the digital screen. You can ask the salesperson to print out any contract you are expected to sign and read the contract carefully. You have the right to get printed documents before you sign, as well as to choose to sign in writing.  

If financing with the dealer, be careful to avoid “yo-yo deals,” where the dealer reserves the right to cancel the agreement and re-finance at a higher interest rate and payment. Sub-prime auto loans often have high interest rates and prepayment penalties for paying off the loan early. Getting pre-approved by your bank—or even having your bank pay with the auto as collateral with a bank auto loan, is also an option.  

For used cars: ask for a Car Fax report or other documentation showing its driving history; check the odometer disclosure statement. A new Vermont law also requires used car dealers to provide an inspection disclosure (meaning: the dealer is required to tell you when the vehicle was last inspected, how long until inspection is due, and that you have a right to have it inspected before you purchase). This is an important new consumer protection because instead of paying for a used car, only to find out three months later that it may be deemed “un-inspectable” (or require more money for repairs before it passes inspection) ensures that you have full information and know your rights before making a purchase.

If you have experienced an issue in car buying, contact the Consumer Assistance Program.  

This piece is adapted from an earlier edition, “Buying a New Car” brought to you by one of the Consumer Assistance Program’s (CAP) service-learning interns. UVM undergraduate students make significant contributions to our program and Vermont through their participation in our service-learning lab, where they learn about consumer protection while honing their professional skills.   


FDIC – Electronic Signatures 

Federal Trade Commission 

Investopedia – Subprime Auto Loans 

NPR – Yo-yo Sales 

National Consumer Protection Week Feature: Winter is a great time to start thinking about your next home improvement project

By Jonah Brodtman, CAP Intern

Next time you’re sitting by the fire, enjoying your favorite seasonal beverage, why not take a moment to start thinking ahead about that roof repair, bathroom renovation, or other home improvement project that you’ve been delaying?

Winter is a great time to start thinking about your next home improvement project. Contact the VT Consumer Assistance Program for questions and consumer help. 1-800-649-2424

It might seem counterintuitive or maybe it’s just not on your mind while there is two feet of snow in your driveway. A few key considerations might make you think twice about further delaying a call to a contractor and getting on their schedule.

In Vermont, contractors and other home improvement specialists are in high demand during the prime building season (summer/fall) and can book several months in advance. So, call now and get on their schedule early.

Gabriel Taylor-Marsh, our Home Improvement Specialist, encourages you to “Be preemptive, proactive and forward thinking about your next Home Improvement Project.” He welcomes folks to contact him directly at the Consumer Assistance Program to learn about best practices in hiring your next contractor. He says, “Making the right investment into your home will save you time, money and resources down the line.”

Thinking ahead to your spring/summer home repair project will help to ensure that you will have enough time to check off every step of the Home Repair How-To Checklist on the Attorney General’s website (, including checking contractor registration and obtaining quotes from three contractors.

Planning ahead in the winter months will help to set you up for the smoothest possible project. You may not be able to predict every bump in the road. However, if you do your due diligence as a consumer and start shopping around early, you could set yourself up for less delays, and a smoother experience overall.

For more home improvement tips and information, including energy project considerations, visit the AGO’s website home improvement page. If you have further questions, call our Consumer Assistance Program to speak with our Home Improvement Specialist.