
In Media Res is calling for guest curators on the theme of the representation of environmental issues in the media. The deadline (alas) is March 11.

See the call here.

H/t to Ecomedia Studies.


Here are my introductory comments to the 2010 documentary Waste Land, delivered yesterday at the Fleming Museum in Burlington and shown in connection with the exhibition High Trash, which runs until May 19.

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Society & Space has an interview with the authors of Take Back the Economy, the final book co-written by the geographical-political theory duo J. K. Gibson-Graham, this time with co-authors and Community Economies collaborators Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy.

Gibson-Graham were Katherine Gibson and Julie Graham, authors of The End of Capitalism (As We Know It) and A Postcapitalist Politics. Graham passed away in 2010.

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Shaviro interview

A few cousin blogs have already mentioned Figure/Ground’s interview with Steven Shaviro, which I recommend for those interested in Whitehead, speculative realism, media theory, and other themes explored on this blog.

Shaviro has insightful things to say about Isabelle Stengers’ role in reviving an interest in Whitehead, Gilbert Simondon and his (and Whitehead’s) relevance for ecological thinking, and Francis Fukuyama’s neo-conservative critique of the academic tenure system.

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Brian Leiter is sharing the results of a survey on his blog to see which academic publishers are considered “best” in his field of philosophy. I find surveys like this useful — at least when carried out somewhat scientifically and systematically (which Leiter’s isn’t and doesn’t claim to be) — and I think these particular results are not too different from what an equivalent survey in other humanities fields might find.

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On e²mc we’re thinking through the various meanings of “media ecology.”

The first, chronologically, is the medium theory of Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, Walter Ong, and others — sometimes called the Toronto School of communication theory. Neil Postman’s “New York school” can be considered a more critical and pessimistic adjunct to this tradition.

As a second tradition I’ve lumped together Continue Reading »

I’ll be giving the following talk next Wednesday, February 6, at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam.

It’s part of the series Where Are We Going, Walt Whitman? An Ecosophical Roadmap for Artists and Other Futurists.

(The series looks incredible. I wish I could be there for all the other talks and events.)

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Introducing e²mc

e2mc, short for “evolving ecological media cultures,” has gone online.

e2mc begins as the class blog for the University of Vermont course “Media Ecologies and Cultural Politics.” Its long-term goal is to become the online face of the UVM Ecomedia Studies Lab, which is still in development.

The blog is open to anyone interested in participating, provided that you share its goal of open and respectful discussion of issues related to the intersecting themes of media, ecology, culture, and politics.

The blog’s design is still in progress; at some point we intend to unveil a more interesting and interactive format. But for now, it looks like this.

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A few days after Aaron Swartz’s suicide — in part triggered by the prospect of a 35-year prison sentence for making a big stash of scholarly journal articles available to the public for free (!) — it is appropriate to think about what is wrong with the state of academic publishing today.

Here’s a for instance: I got an email today about a new issue of the journal Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture. It’s a special issue on “Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology.” It looks great: 16 articles, totaling 170 pages, of theoretical writing, analysis, and conversations between artists, scholars, and activists from around the world. I’d love to read it and to recommend it to my students, who are studying the intersections between art, ecology, politics, and activism.

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The Immanence Shadow Blog — that space where I scoop up little things of interest found on the internet — has been reinvented and reloaded as scoop.it/t/immanence. You can subscribe to it here.

The latest piece I’ve added is the following bit of prescient (or perhaps eternally relevant) American humor:

H/t to Jon Cogburn at APPS. And thanks to Antonio for the scoop on Scoop.it.

The Wilfrid Laurier University Press page for Ecologies of the Moving Image is up, here. Their Spring catalogue, which can be downloaded here, includes two new books on Jean-Luc Godard (adding to an impressive back catalog of film titles), as well as Gary Genosko’s When Technocultures Collide, Kamboureli and Verduyn’s Critical Collaborations: Indigenity, Diaspora, and Ecology in Canadian Literary Studies, and other good titles.

The Environmental Humanities series continues to grow, with books on Sustaining the West and Avatar and Nature Spirituality. (I had to excuse myself from the latter, since my Avatar material was already appearing in two other books, though I had co-written the introduction to the journal issue from which this volume grew. The book is an impressive volume, which Bron Taylor poured a lot of hard work into.)

You can already pre-order EMI from Amazon, but Amazon.ca has it priced more reasonably. It won’t be out till May, and this web site will tell you about good deals as they arise. (It’s 435 pages, which accounts for the high price.)

I’ll be adding video clips to go with the book, either here or on a separate web page for the book.

A new study in The Lancet has determined that mass privatization in former Communist Eastern Europe — what was once called “shock therapy,” but is more usefully considered a form of “shock neoliberalization” — resulted in an excess of about a million deaths in that part of the world.

A few quotes from the Oxford University summary:

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