We’re been given the green light to announce the following tenure-track position in Environmental Studies and Geography. I’m chairing the Search Committee. Please pass it on to anyone you think will be interested. Review of applications will begin November 15.
The Department of Geography and the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Vermont invite applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in Political Ecology to begin August 2012. Possible areas of expertise for this position include: critical engagements with conservation and development, ecological displacements and migration, regional and inter-regional adaptations to climate change, environmental governance/governmentality, risks and conflicts of resource extraction, impacts of ecological change on livelihoods, and contested rights to resources. We seek an individual whose primary regional specialty is Latin America/Caribbean or Africa.
The Department of Geography has eight full-time faculty members representing the full range of physical geography, human geography, and geospatial techniques (www.uvm.edu/~geograph). The Geography Department offers the BA degree and has approximately 80 majors, over 100 minors, and contributes to the interdisciplinary GeoSpatial Technologies Minor. The Environmental Studies Program has nine faculty with full or joint teaching appointments in agroecology, environmental policy, economics, social sciences, and humanities (www.uvm.edu/~envprog). The Program offers six concentrations and several senior capstone options to over 450 majors in three colleges and schools, and is a hub for campus environmental activity and research.
The University of Vermont recently identified three ‘Spires of Excellence’ in which it will strategically focus institutional investments and growth over the next several years: Food Systems; Neuroscience, Behavior & Health; and Complex Systems. Candidates whose scholarship aligns or intersects with one of these areas are especially encouraged to apply and to state in their cover letter how their work would contribute to one or more of the existing Spires. More information can be found at http://www.uvm.edu/~tri/.
A Ph.D. in Geography or a closely aligned field is required by the time of appointment. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in undergraduate teaching and a commitment to innovative pedagogical approaches. The faculty member’s “tenure home” will be Geography but teaching and advising will be shared with the Environmental Studies Program. The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses including: large introductory courses in Environmental Studies and/or Geography, upper division courses in Political Ecology, and courses on her/his specialty region. The successful candidate will advise undergraduate students in Geography and Environmental Studies and have the opportunity to serve on graduate committees in cognate programs. We seek a faculty member who will undertake an active program of research that leads to publication in peer-reviewed scholarly outlets, who will seek extramural funding for that research, and who will engage in professional contributions and service.
The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching, and/or service. Applicants are requested to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. The University of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. The Department of Geography and the Environmental Studies Program at UVM are committed to faculty diversity and welcomes applications from women and under-represented ethnic, racial, and cultural groups, and from people with disabilities.
Founded in 1791, UVM has been called one of the “public ivies” and is consistently ranked as one of the top public universities in the United States. The University is located in Burlington, Vermont, also rated as one of the best small cities in America. The greater Burlington area has a population of about 125,000 and enjoys a panoramic setting on the shores of Lake Champlain, between the Green Mountains of Vermont and the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Burlington and the surrounding area provide an environment rich in cultural and recreational activities for individuals and families, with multiple opportunities for interactions with local industry and communities.
Candidates must apply online at http://www.uvmjobs.com/. Search for the position using department name (Geography) only. Please attach the following materials: a CV, cover letter, statement of teaching and research interests (including a discussion of your approach to “interdisicplinary” teaching and research), and the contact information of three references. Review of applications will begin Nov. 15, 2011. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
For further information, contact Dr. Adrian Ivakhiv, search committee chair, aivakhiv@uvm.edu.