Michael at the wonderfully named Archive Fire blog has been posting about a lot of the same topics that I try to cover here. (The top five categories in his tag cloud are Ecology, Power, Praxis, Sentience, and Theory.) In his words, Archive Fire explores issues “from critical theory, fringe politics and ecological science to popular culture, world history, social justice and human evolution,” and its discourse and tactics “emerge out of a hybrid matrix of anthropology, critical theory, philosophy and activist strategies” and “a manifest commitment to creative praxis.” The blog regularly links to the work of some of the same names that come up there, from Latour and DeLanda to Zizek, Jeremy Rifkin, Antonio Damasio, and others. (And he’s been all too kind in his recent post about me.)
archive fire
April 14, 2010 by Adrian J Ivakhiv
Posted in Blog stuff | 2 Comments
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Ha! I’m surprised you two weren’t aware of one another earlier. You’re both definitely my top two blogs to read! 🙂
Nice Adrian. 🙂
I am going to read that post.