Tag Archives: lecture capture
Small Matterhorn Victory
After months of off and on effort, finally convinced Matterhorn to use UVM Web Single Sign-on http://weasel.uvm.edu:8080/welcome.html Now, what to do with it…
Musings on Mediasite
The most complete Mediasite pricing model I could find comes from Colorado: http://www.colorado.edu/oit/sites/default/files/sonicfoundry_mediasite.pdf One-time Server Software ranges in price from maybe $20000 (msrp) for 5 recorders to $100000 (discounted, msrp=$338,100) for 100 recorders One-time Classroom Appliances are $15,000-$25,000 apiece for … Continue reading
Madder Horn
Fought with opencast Matterhorn. Finally got it installed, But promised ldap authentication continues to disappoint. Will be turning to forums to document experiences and seek solutions.
Matterhorn moves forwards
Never did get the official 1.3.1 release to work. 1.4RC3 just came out last week. Took several days of head banging, but I made it go well enough to give me renewed hope. Current battle is geting mySQL connection to … Continue reading
TIF grant: pilot a ‘lecture capture’ solution for campus
Concise description of proposal. Investigate and pilot a ‘lecture capture’ solution for campus. Project will obtain and install a variety of possible solutions, including the commercial products Echo360, Camtasia and Tegrity, and the open source OpenCast Matterhorn. Software can be … Continue reading