filter-media, ugly JPEGS, TIFFs, and Java Advanced Imaging

I learned way more about java today than I wanted to, but it was for a good cause.

I had a mess of images scanned by our Geology Department and imported into Dspace. Filter-media produced some ugly thumbnails for these (and only these) images:

original —
Thumb —

Meanwhile, all these Geology JPEGs had high-res TIFF files associated with them, too. I wanted TIFF thumbnails. So I started hacking away at And I discovered "Java Advanced Imaging" —  I downloaded "JavaTM Advanced Imaging 1.1.2 CLASSPATH install" and "Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools 1.0"

Installed the jars and .so files in dspace-1.2.1beta4-source/lib Added some "import" statements and 3 lines of new code to , and like magic, two birds killed with one stone

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

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  • investigated issue with network connectivity at wruv offices
  • tried to figure out why my mac doesn’t like
  • Steve wanted us to work on 2005 annual plans
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  • tried out Nvu, an alternative to Mozilla Composer
  • mac hardware questions from k marmor
  • installed R and learned enough about it to answer questions from

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Detector Progress

My physical computing projects are coming along. I’ve built an infrared distance detector. I’m trying to tune the IR-LED frequencies to detect objects at very close range. I’ve hooked in a potentiometer to control the frequency of the LED, and am placing objects near and far and seeing what frequencies respond.

I’lll chart that data, and use it to build a frequency lookup table. the idea is to detect my Cable Car at distances of about 18", 9" and 2". Once in the 2" range, crawl to stop; wait 20 seconds, and reverse direction. I need an H-bridge or darlington array to control the cable car motor.

Posted in ElectronicArts, Projects | Leave a comment

Calendar & iCal issues

On Jan 20, 2005, at 10:33 AM, Robert H. Maurizi wrote:

Additionally, has anyone had any luck making Calendar & iCal (or  iSync) talk to one another? I’m not looking for anything fancy where I  can update Calendar entries from a different app– I’d just like to have a read-only version of my calendar on my iPod.

It might be worth trying the Windows client, see if it can generate an ..ics file without dying. I’ll try that later. In the meantime, I offer this homemade client

as described here


I just updated it to generate ics files that do import into iCal. However, since this is an anonymous client, it won’t get your non-public events. I could probably come up with an authenticated version, if need be.

Posted in iPods, MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Calendar & iCal issues

On Jan 20, 2005, at 10:33 AM, Robert H. Maurizi wrote:

Additionally, has anyone had any luck making Calendar & iCal (or  iSync) talk to one another? I’m not looking for anything fancy where I  can update Calendar entries from a different app– I’d just like to have a read-only version of my calendar on my iPod.

It might be worth trying the Windows client, see if it can generate an ..ics file without dying. I’ll try that later. In the meantime, I offer this homemade client

as described here


I just updated it to generate ics files that do import into iCal. However, since this is an anonymous client, it won’t get your non-public events. I could probably come up with an authenticated version, if need be.

Posted in iPods, MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Posted in ElectronicArts, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • helped g nunley with romance languages department home page problems
  • advised l shelton on audio recording of lectures using an iPod
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Activity Log

  • helped debug issue with CIT home page and news display
  • explained some uvm web policy to brian bittman/wruv
  • instructed m tignor how to stream Microsoft Windows Media files on realserver; wrote new documentation for same

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more webcam advice for

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