Activity Log

  • answered some questions about various ways one could accomplish an easy file transfer of 200 MB
  • researched and advised p bierman about how google works
  • advised c mazzoni on use of Microsoft Media Player on macs
Posted in Landscape Change, MacOS Support, Projects, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • helped Mike with a badger NFS configuration problem
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Activity Log

  • converted a piece of the WRUV streaming code to a perl file that reads wruv database for current DJ name
  • conducted iMovie workshop for C Mazzoni’s ITAL 052 class
Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • Again tried to convey streaming information to brian bittman/wruv
  • prepared for italian iMovie workshop
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Activity Log

  • investigated process for extracting (via trickery) images from PDF files
  • Realplayer streaming video advice for C Mazzoni
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Activity Log

Communications with Brian Bittman/WRUV on variety of streaming scenarios

Posted in Projects, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • Consultation with C Goodnight regarding ODBC, Excel, and R on a Macintosh
  • reloaded 700+ geology images into dspace
Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Dspace Handle Server

Well, this went easier than I thought, although I was sweating nervously during the process.

I configured the CNRI’s Handle system for use with Dspace, following the official Dspace instructions  and these notes.

Requested a global handle from CNRI. Received from

"Hi Wesley: Thank you for your interest in CNRI’s Handle System. You have been assigned prefix/naming authority 0.NA/2051. Your handles will be of the form 2051/hdl1. The information below shows how your prefix was configured but since this is for a DSpace implementation the administration information is not very relevant. There is more documentation on but mostly you’ll want to follow the DSpace documentation especially in regards to their HandlePlugin."

opened up ports 2641 and 8000 on Badger Started the handle server (should probably get this into a startup file, too!) And it worked! except I needed to update all the old Dspace entries that used the default fake handle 123456789

To that end, I halted dspace, ran a postgresql dump

pg_dump -c -U dspace dspace > dspace.sql 

edited dspace.sql, replaced all instances of 123456789 with 2051, then reloaded database

psql -U postgres dspace < dspace.sql 

So now, visit

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Activity Log

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Dspace updates

After much discussion, badger finally received 240 GB of free disk storage via an NFS share on . This is temporary until TSG can spec out, order, and install a dedicated drive (apparently the NFS space is needed back in a few weeks).

Took the opportunity to upgrade to release 1.2.2 Beta 1 of Dspace

Currently copying from zoo about 9 GB of geology images for insertion into system

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment