Video Editing Station, Williams

Hooked up all the wires, tuned all the channels, and set all the preferences to allow analog VCR to operate with TV and Dazzle Hollywood Bridge AD converter , Firewire, and iMovie/Final Cut Pro.

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ECHO Integration

Met with Trevor Nesbit , Develoment Manager at the Leahy Center for Lake Champlain. Trevor is a UVM grad (Animal Sciences) and manages the Echo web site (currently run out of Digital Frontier in Stowe).

Trevor wants to integrate more weather data with their current weather page. In particular, the extra data from WPTZ not seen on their current page; Diamond Island; Colchester; and Mount Mansfield. He would also like to move the back-end processing for the Echo Web Cam from the Echo center to UVM.

I told him I could give him some sample code for easy access to the UVM data, I would talk to TSG about the web cam, and help out however I can. He turned me onto the NOAA/NWS SOAP service, and we noted that the data I have for Colchester and Mansfield appears to be dated and I should figure out why. I also need to start archiving the Diamond Island data.

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Art Lab Configuration

Trioubleshooting final configuration, additional updates and support, and system imaging. in both Williams 414 and Williams 308

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Quicktime Broadcaster test

See the broadcast of today’s class.

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This and That July 7

  • attended Q&A sessions for Microsoft Campus Agreement
  • wrote a script that queries LDAP for faculty NetIds in selected deptartments associated with College of Medicine. Generated 807 NetIds (this wasn’t entirely necessary, but it was challenging and instructive) . put them in a .htaccess file. To anser Doug’s question from yesterday, yes, it works. Still need some mechanism to check off  survey participants as having participated
  • argued with Steve about need for a Wintel laptop. I don’t want one.  he thinks I need one. Stay tuned
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Activity Log

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Cmap Server on Badger

Mike kick-started badger. The firewall changes described earlier took hold (, and with a minimum amount of fiddling, the Cmap server appeared at ; however, it doesn’t do much via that view. More importantly,the list of "places" seen by Cmap Client (see ) includes the UVM server. What seems to be missing is any documentation regarding operation of the server. There is an AdminTool,; however, it runs as a windowed application. I tried launching using an X-Windows server, but got just an empty box. Going to install server on, see if I can at least see the AdminTool options, so I know what to look for — maybe I can edit server configuration manually once I understand how it works.

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i killed the badger: CMap server

installed new web service on badger for faculty member (http:// for Paul Bierman). started new service edited /etc/sysconfig/iptables to open required ports restarted iptables it got as far as Unloading iptables modules: and stopped. Now badger doesn’t respond to ssh or http on any port. Oh, bother

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perl problems on parrot

On Jun 30, 2005, at 8:15 AM, Francis Swasey wrote:

There is definately something that is preventing LWP from  handling https. I don’t know anything about it, so I’ll have to  research it. Honestly, I’m not likely to get a chance to do that  until next week. If you (or Wes) can tell me what is required for  LWP to be able to go after https pages, I’ll make the changes. 

I had a handy test program available. I tried it on : it failed there, too. But it did display a more informative error message: Protocol scheme ‘https’ is not supported (Crypt::SSLeay not installed) So, I typed this

sudo cpan get Crypt::SSLeay    

Now my test script works great on badger. Frank, less adventurous than I, typed

up2date -i perl-Crypt-SSLeay    

which had equally fine results

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Landscape Progress


This is a (mostly) parallel universe built for testing:

  • All database queries, inserts, deletes, and updates use a new database user (glcp) and database (GLCP_1) (the ‘production environment uses database user "perkins" and database "PERKINS" . The landscape -specific database tables are combined with the Perkins Museum rock collection tables — not an ideal commingling. I propose moving the GLCP tables out of PERKINS, using database GLCP for production and GLCP_1 for testing)
  • database tables updated to include new metadata
  • existing image files are drawn from production /:/perkins/ landscape ; newly added files go to test /:/perkins/ landscape_new_for_switch
  • new temp files go to test /:/perkins/landscape_new_for_switch/TEMP
  • all entry forms accessible from landscape_new_for_switch/submitting/submit_options.htm now include new metadata entry fields
  • many items accessible from landscape_new_for_switch/WORKING_FOLDER/ include new metadata fields
  • a good deal of code has been "modularized" such that the same code snippets can be used in several different scripts
  • lots of other code was cleaned up and reorganized
  • the total number of scripts needed has probably been cut in half

Still to do:

  • glcp needs to test, test, test using TEST database
  • when that is complete, test using PROD database and filesystem
  • when THAT is complete, figure out how to elegantly move TEST code into PROD environment.
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