CGI-BIN problems

Helped Kevin Hytten with a cgi-bin problem. he accidently deleted his scripts. We recovered them (with Franks Help)

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Paul bierman wanted to know

There is a database flow left from the Dave days that you and I spoke about on the green last week.

That is, for most every county there are three versions of the county name.

for example,

Chittenden Co
Chittenden Co.

Would be nice for them all to be Chittenden

Can you advise how to do that?

I suggested it may be of benefit to spend some time studying the science of databases. Here’s an SQL primer, google will point you to many more

In this case, the SQL command of interest is the UPDATE command (see here). In your particular case, the command would like like this

    update VTLANDSCAPEDB set COUNTY="Chittenden" where COUNTY like "Chittenden%"


    like "Chittenden%"

clause contains a "wild card" character — % — that ensures that any record (and ONLY those records) whose COUNTY field begins with Chittenden will be affected.

That’s well and good — but needs to be repeated for every county. Better still is a command that would change them all at once. For this, we can use a "regular expression" to match any COUNTY field ending in "Co.", and replace the " Co." part of the field with the empty string "". Hence,

    UPDATE VTLANDSCAPEDB set COUNTY=REPLACE(COUNTY," Co.","")  where COUNTY regexp "(.*) Co.$"

This takes care of the " Co." entries. Repeat with a slight modifiction

    UPDATE VTLANDSCAPEDB set COUNTY=REPLACE(COUNTY," Co","")  where COUNTY regexp "(.*) Co$"

A discussion of Regular Expressions is beyond the scope of this note. I tried this on my test database, and it seemed to work just fine.

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Activity Log

Updating this blog; updating my other blog; writing notes to BLOGGING list, accounting for my time.

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iPod Video Research

The new iPod arrived.

Loaded it with songs, photos, and movies.

Most movies were my own: created on little Konica-Minolta Dimage Xt, run throught iMovie, posted on blog, auto downloaded by iTunes; exported from a medium quality (LAN Quicktime preset) QuickTime file; Direct from iMovie projects; bought from iTunes store.

Watched on built-in screen, TV. I find the quality to be excellent.

Could mean a lot for academia: class videos, on your iPod? Portable learning?

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Davis Construction cam

See previous post. Did much of the sam ething, but with Davis Construction cam 2. Wrote some PHP scripts that can be called from anywhere to greatly simplify coding oof web pages for others. See

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Davis Construction cam

Played with the configurations of Davis Web Cam # 1. Set it to FTP to chipmunk, set up CGI and web page to display to world, same as Green cam or ResLife cam.  Explained to people why IE needs Active-X control. All on my day off.

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Tina Talk

Tina stopped by again. We installed PlaySound, Evobarcode, barcode binary and associated Applescripts on her machine. Showed her how to write poems in Text edit, save sa plain text, drag and drop onto applescript to make barcodes, record voce with Audacity, save as MP3, strip off MP3 extension from filename using Finder File Get Info, where to egt education pricing on iSight

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iChat and LDAP

Rob Mauizi asked if there was some way to configure Address Book and iChat such that you could lookup and add UVM buddies, identified by their NetIDs in your Jabber sessions.

Almost. Using Directory Access, confgured it for LDAPv3. In People mappings, mapped local IMHandle to uvmLDAP uid. IMHandle is used by Address Book to display contact’s IM address. Unfortunately, this is interpreted ONLY as AIM info, so if you lookup "Smith" in iChat AIM buddy window, it grabs the persons IMHandle (in oour case, uid) ; if you lookup "Smith" in Jabber buddy window, get right Name Address email, but leaves Jabber ID blank. Grrr.

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Print Server Makeover, Art Lab

I decommissioned the old 400 MHz, 386MB RAM G4 and configured the newer 733MHz G4, 512MB RAM G4 as the New Improved Print Server Mark II. This entailed

  • configure the new machine’s network settings so that it obtains a "fixed" rather than dynamic IP address. MAC address is 0003933ed67a; this was communicated to with request for current IP address of
  • tarballed /etc/cups on old server and unpacked same on new
  • shutdown the old machine, remove it’s memory chips, and see if they’ll work in the new machine. They didn’t. (old 100 MHz, new 133Mhz) Found two 256MB chips in old 933MHz lab machine, borrowed one.
  • create new user accounts on the new machine such that it boots and auto-logs in the same way as the old
  • run system updates on the new machine to make sure operating system is up to date and secure
  • test

Apparently I needed to "enable Appletalk" to allow the New Improved Print Server Mark II to talk to the Xerox 7700 printer. I did this around 12:30 Friday. This allowed the piled up bad jobs to print. I note that someone was sending Microsoft Word files: I trust that, according to the New Printing Policy, they will be hunted down and terminated.

Also had to delete and redefine the 7600 Pro, to make that go, although in retrospect maybe that was an Appletalk issue, too.

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Dspace Fixed

Spent considerable time yesterday and today watching and analyzing output from the lsof command, which showed a mess of  open assettstore files that never seemed to close.

After repeated writings to the Dspace-tech community, I finally received this from Richard Rogers

I took a quick look through the code, and did note one oddity:
a file stream used in thumbnail generation is not explicitly closed.
It shouldn’t matter, since locally scoped file pointers ought to get
closed when garbage collected. But not knowing the details of how
objects are cached in Tomcat, I can’t say with 100% certainty it’s not a
leak. You could – if you felt adventurous – add the line:


after the line:

buf =;

in the ‘getScalingAttr’ method in

My investigations yesterday also lead me to , but I focused on getThumbMarkup and didn’t see the . Then again, even if I did, my reading level of Java wouldn’t have been sufficient to fix it.

Sure enough, problem fixed.

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