Preparing for Tea talk

Today’s Colleage tea is podcasting. Reviewed and updated my Ski Blog RSS feed template, put it on the web for easy access by others, checked my iTunes Podcasts to see if they were active and discoverable, saw how they looked using iTunes for Windows. Then went to tea tal

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Speed Test

Raced PowerBook versus Tablet, using QuickTime Player Pro as a vehicle. Exported the same  11.7 MB 3 minute (Sorenson) movie as V ideo for iPod. Mac took 9 minutes, PC took 12.

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out with the old, in with the new

Wanted to recycle my 9 year old Dell Optiplex. Wanted to reformat harddrive first. You think anyone has a boot floppy with on it? Nope. Alan made me a boot floppy, but couldn’t find a FORMAT in Windows 2000 or on web  that would work with whatever version of DOS was on the floppy. Finanly gave up and just removed the HD from the box before carting it to the recycle bin.

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Image Uploads

Samer ElJabary dropped by again, looking for more help with his image upload script. It is miinimally working now. He is learning fast.

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The new Tablet

Figuring out how to make the new tablet work:

  • downloaded/installed MS Office from UVM campus agreement share
  • downloaded/installed/configured Thunderbird, which did some screwey stuff with mailboxes but eventually got going (although the Junk Mail filter, I didcovered later, was a b it too agressive)
  • calibrated pen (several times. Still not quite right)
  • played with image editing software (kinda crappy)
  • downloaded/installed ArcReader. Now I need some data
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mySQL, php, and images uploads

Samer ElJabary (classified by LDAP as continuing education student but working as intern at Gund Institute, webmaster for Redesigning the American Neighborhood website), came to visit and talk about using mySQL as a repository for uploaded images. Showed him some coding techniques, discussed strategies.

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Davis Construction cam

Finalized my SMIL/php script, once and for all. Ultimate results seen here. Click on either image to zoom.

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Short Takes 5

Ralph Olberg called and asked about virtual tours, cubic VR style.

Some Free/Cheap software possibilities can be found here. Most everything seems to be based on "Pano Tools."

Commercial tools:

From what I can tell, software is the least of the issues, compared to building a camera rig and calibrating lenses. See

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Short Takes 4

Tina Escaja wrote:

About making the voice happen with the barcode, I do the following:

1. I open Audocity and record my voice (I used this time the iSight microphone, because for some reason the regular one did not work. I mention this in case is important)

2. I save it as, let say LugardelSilencio.mp3

3. I go to the created Audcity file, hit the right side of the mouse and in Get Info, I get rid of the mp3 part

4. Now, this file name must match the barcode file name.

Whoops! Here is her mistake. The file name (of the MP3) file must match the BARCODE. Not the barcode file name.

In other words, whatever Anges says — and whatever appears in the EvoBarCode "results" box — that is what the MP3 file should be named.

Here is a "flow chart:"

    Barcode is printed on paper
    Evobarcode reads lines on paper
    Evobarcode translates into text (letters, numbers, punctuation, spaces)
    Evobarcode hands text to script
    Script looks for file named exactly the same as the text it was given by evobarcode
        if it finds file, it uses playsound to play it
        if it doesn’t, it asks Agnes to speak it

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Short Takes 3

Samer MH El-Jabary wrote:

Quoting Wesley Alan Wright :
Thanks alot.
I am using mySQL administrator but I do not know how to view the records inside
the tables. help?

I downloaded and examined MySQL Administrator, and read some documentation.

From the documentation: "MySQL Administrator is a program for performing administrative operations, such as configuring your MySQL server, monitoring its status and performance, starting and stopping it, managing users and connections, performing backups, and a number of other administrative tasks."

I noted  that mySQL Administrator is for Administration of mySQL — NOT for managing  mySQL data tables.

Told him he needs a different tool. For Macintosh, try CocoaMySQL. For PC, Microsoft Access will work.

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