Cristina's World Literature Class

One and one half hour Web Page (with Mozilla Composer) construction class

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Jane Kolodinsky’s honors class

One hour iMovie workshop.

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Jane Kolodinsky's honors class

One hour iMovie workshop.

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debateoneworld rolls on

Spent a bunch of time touring Mambo and figuring out what it does and what it doesn’t.

Installed WordPress 2 in debate web space. Fixed a bit of "broken" code that affects file uploads in PHP "Safe" mode (added a touch command in admin-functions.php line 752. Waiting for feedback from Tuna..

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broken parrot calendar

The interface between our UVM web pages (and iPods) and Oracle Calendar broke witgh the move to parrot. Apparently a known problem with ugly workaround. Toook frank and I a couple of days to track it down and find a (temporary) solution. See

  • Example of the calendar script
  • The particular error condition — CAPI_STAT_API_POOL_NOTINITIALIZED — is not described in my Capi reference manual (release 2.5 August 2002 part no B10097-1). It is here in the Oracle® Calendar  Application Developer’s Guide  Release 2 (9.0.4)   Part No.  B10893-01
  • Changing code to the new 9.0.4 specifications generates a different error. Look here for a description and a fix, of sorts

The latest word from the Oracle SR (which originally told me that they didn’t support the SDK) is that this is a known issue and it is corrected in the version.

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Pharos printing in Library

Trying to get Mac-to-Pharos-print-server printing set up in Library. Here’s what Kor told me:

The server is  The queues are:

Reference Printer – Lexmark T634

Library Cyber Cafe Black and White – Canon iR6570

Library Cyber Cafe Color Printer – Canon iR C2620

CIT – Apple LaserWriter 16/600

Nursing – HP Laserjet 4000

Well, after rooting out the Canon and LexMark printer drivers and several failed attempts I got something set up, but so far only error messages appear in the output. Back to the drawing board.

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LRG Meeting

Discuss media support

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Landscape Change Project: meeting

Weekly meeting with guest to evaluate new site changes

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broken parrot

migrated alias from warthog to parrot. problems thus far:

  • somebody forgot to move from warthog to parrot. Fixed
  • I edited the SOIT test generator script for parrot, but apparently skipped the script. Fixed. And updated documentation, since Leonord Perry said they were so great.
  • The script was producing unsightly calendars, needed to edit and update old July 14, 1995 code to account for different output from unix cal application
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missing and broke media

Ran around in circles with others tracking down broken/missing media files in somebody’s online Jazz course. I think we found a solution. More here.

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