Plasma Display Show

tried with newer, faster computer and Saft plug-in for Safari. Much better!

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Not as easy as it looks.

I would like to install the FLip4Mac WMV Studio components on the CMD Macs. See

FLip4Mac WMV Studio allows any video application to export files in Windows Media Format

Cost is $49 per license, less 20% Educational discount. See


Truth be told, I am not of fan of Powerpoint nor WIndows Media files. However, the Customer is Always RIght, and two clients  have come in this week who wanted their videos inserted into PowerPoint (Windows version) presentations. Microsoft being Microsoft, the only sure-fire way to present high-quality video into a Powerpoint presentation is to use Windows Media Format.

The current pipeline to generate Windows Media files from material captured (from tape or DVD) is the first export the video in bulky, 3  Megabyte per second AVI files, move the files to zoo, move yourself to a PC, import the files into Windows Movie Maker, and export again as WMV. The process is both laborious and time consuming.

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Student mentoring

Helping WIll with career decisions

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CMD Issues

Extended the RadMind process to the remainder of the CMD workstations. After updating, discovered problems with both Microsoft Office and Firefox. Waved a ead cat in the air and managed to resolve tose, created yet another update loadset to addres the issues, mysterious as they were. Then client arrived with some AVI files encoded with Divx codec, which was not yet added to the default image, so I installed Divx and created yet another loadset. Then discovered that Apple released today 5.1.1 updates to Final Cut Studio 5.1; downloaded, installed, created another loadset, applied to al machines.

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CMD Client support

Helped clients with video import/export issues, especialy as related to Powerpoint.

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Radmind/Final Cut STudio

First big test, applying Final Cut Studio 5.1 upgrade to CMD test workstation

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CMD Client support

Filled in for Will, assisted Hilary Neroni class

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Landscape Change Project

Worked on script to start copying all the images into new asset_store configuration.

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CMD Client support

Helped out Hiary Neroni and her students

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Plasma Display Show

Tested student work showcase script using old G4 and plasma display. Didn’t work all that well. Played with other script parameters

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