Self Assess

Henrie asked me to write an ACTION= script to process a form she designed. So I did:



I imagine she’ll want to edit the text of the user feedback. Currently, FAIL=

“Based on your responses on the CTL self-assessment form, we recommend that you attend the pre-TEO workshop on x date at x time (i will get back to you this afternoon about the date and time)”

and PASS=

“Your technical savvy is impressive. You are ready to use Blackboard without CTL interference. Click here to get started!”

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On Nov 19, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Paul Bierman <> wrote:

Can you block this spammer. Thanks

From: <>
Date: November 19, 2012 11:09:36 EST
Subject: Landscape Change Upload:
New upload from  e-mail 

With respect to

uploaded on 2012-11-19:

No, said I, ’cause I don’t know anything identifying about this spammer. If he had sent me the original of this email with ‘full headers’ I think it might have an IP address, which I might be able to block — until the next spammer comes along

Instead, I added one of those annoying but effective ‘captcha’ image verification boxes
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ctl data mining

Lots of SQL. Refactored users table, splitting out ‘organization’ and ‘college’ into a separate table to account for multiple values. With help of Jonathon Trigeux, came up with table to map colleges to organizations. after much  fiddling, arrived at this summary table:

Had to seriously modify calendar coed to account for new table structure.


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Theatre slide scans

Showed hope and kelly how to use the bulk slide scanner and upload images to dSpace. Some 15 images scanned, 1 uploaded

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Another dead CMD iMac Disk

Disk in CMD iMac fried by users and replaced by Depot. I re-imaged the machine

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“A thing of beauty”

Rob Ryan posed this problem:

I am beginning to understand some bits of this stuff, but not nearly enough, and so I bang my head against things until my head hurts and I go looking for help. This is one of those times.

I’m trying to use simpleXML to process a feed from uvmbored and put it on a web page.

My only real issue is with the date. Rather than printing something like
Mon, 05 Nov 2012 09:00:00 -0400

I’d prefer something more like

Monday, November 5 at 9:00 AMI suspect the PHP date_parse or date_parse_from_format function may be the ticket here, but I can’t get the syntax right (or something)–I’ve not had any luck. can you make some suggestions? 

My retort:

$test= new DateTime($date);
$mydate=$test->format("l, F j a\t g:i A");
print "$mydate: $title$descript n";

The trickiest bit was getting the ‘ at ‘

Rob’s response: “A thing of beauty; thanks.”

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Events calendar data mining

Answering presidents questions: who do we serve and how. Ingesting data from footprints via short filtering scripts, constructing reports via SQ

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Gund almost done (again)

Taylor wrote


so, we’ve uploaded our latest database, and it looks great, so we’re going to make it live.  A couple things for you.
Isis Erb (cc’d) is in charge of web updates, so she can do it.  If your directions aren’t clear enough to her, she may be in touch with you.
A couple additional little formatting things, now that I’ve studied it:
– the citation standard is to list the volume, number, and pages as: “… Journal Name 4(15): 106-114.”  Could you format your listings to do it this way, instead of “…Journal Name Volume 4;Number 15;pages 106-114;”?
– after the last name in the authors list, could you please put a period, then a space, before the “(2012)”?
– similarly, please put a period, not a comma, after the title.
I hope these are easy.  The first is the one I care most about, really.
 The first was not easy, as the citation is in the wrong format in dSpace (’cause that’s how I wrote the ingestion script), so I had to come up with some regular expressions to alter it come display time. Another hours work.
I noted that URLs for local copies of PDFs had been entered; However, they were entered as relative (to the Gund site) rather than absolute. Example:


rather than

This is fine for the Gund site, but it breaks links in the corresponding dSpace page

link to URI there is now relative to dSpace

which yields a Not Found error

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Windows ate MacOS

Purchased update for Parallels 7=>8 ; created new WIndows 8 VM. Had to google answers to simple questions, like how do I quit an App (tile?), how to shutdown. Will continue to play^h^h^h^h experiment

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Theatre Slides

In receipt of a box of slides from John Forbes, Theater Dept. First of many. Showed him dSpace, they may be interested. I need a tech cat

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