Category Archives: Wes

BigBlueButton .90ßeta

A week or so ago, CDE set up a demo of BB Collaborate conducted by somebody from . While waiting for the CDE people to get everything up and running, I browsed the BBB web site and low and … Continue reading

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Mini programming projects

Incorporated Event Calendar workshop attendance   data into users’ “Manage my Events” transcript section and into Admin ‘People’ data. We can now see and show all workshop registrations and which events were registered for but skipped, or just those that … Continue reading

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Gund Publications Update

On Aug 14, 2014, at 9:10 PM, Taylor Ricketts wrote: We’ve gotten a lot of compliments on the Gund publications page.  The quick links are a hit. But we’ve also gotten a lot of comments about how slow it is … Continue reading

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More Landscape updates

Seems that the summarizer wasn’t sorting columns properly. Now it is. fixed issue where summaries defaulted to media whenever primary search was by town. replaced atrocious SQL in summary calculations

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Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 6

I messed with it this week, rewrote some of the core code. Some much better SQL.   On Aug 19, 2014, at 7:00 AM, Paul Bierman wrote: Well, my 5 minute drive gave NO errors the searches come back fast…so … Continue reading

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Server hosting BigBlueButton exploded

On Aug 6, 2014, at 10:45 AM, Frank Swasey wrote: Wes, Yesterday morning /etc/cron.daily/apt applied a libc update to morpho. While that shouldn’t have caused a problem, it might have.  NetWorker is not working (it throws an invalid pointer error … Continue reading

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Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 5

On Aug 1, 2014, at 10:56 AM, Jim Lawson wrote: The session data stored for this webapp is … large.  We’ve moved it out of the database and onto the local filesystem, which has helped the database a lot, but … Continue reading

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Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 4

On Jul 26, 2014, at 6:28 PM, Paul Bierman wrote: I got in a dozen times with no connection warnings… searched for dog and horse…all good. but cow, well that got me the attached warning. p   Session cache getting … Continue reading

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Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 3

I spent a lot of hours on this today. I think I’ve nailed it down. Altered general form of Sql toSELECT ls, sequence, county, town, title, PHOTOGRAPHER, images.FILENAME, MEDIA, PHOTOYEAR, PHOTOSOURCE, description, keywords, format_extent, DATUM, longitude, latitude, utm_northing, utm_easting, ELEVATION, … Continue reading

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Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 2

On Jul 17, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Scott Dellinger wrote: [Jim Lawson and I were discussing yesterday afternoon who to speak with about the landscape project’s maintenance, so I’ll let this serve tentatively as confirmation of who belongs on this thread. … Continue reading

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