Category Archives: Wes
Job Queueing for UVMTube (CumulusClips)
Two pieces: a surrogate perl script that receives encode command. Streaming server would send this command direct to OS; now, it sends it to perl script which places job in a queue structure (See CPAN File::Queue) . Meanwhile, perl script 2 runs as … Continue reading
Stats and history for Guide on the Side
Library is heavy user go University of Arizona Guide on the Side software. they liked the quiz/tutorial results email, but really wished it would keep a results table from which they could gather and manipulate aggregate data. I looked at … Continue reading
Added text to events confirmation email
Update CTL Events confirmation email – below the Details header add a new header – Please Let Us Know We want to ensure that this workshop is aligned with your personal goals. Please complete this sentence and then reply to … Continue reading
uvmtube update
Set “disable comments” mode to also suppress thumbs-up thumbs down display
git out of here
Finally configured and synced uvmtube production site, development site, and git remote repository . People in the field rave about this version control system, but I just don’t git it.
EDUCAUSE 2016 Highlights Susan Cain, Chief Revolutionary and Co-Founder, Quiet Revolution One third to one half the population are introverts, who often make self-negating choices to fulfill extroverts expectations. We need to let introverts do what they do best, especially in … Continue reading
Events calendar
Revamped the events listing to operate as a bunch of accordions/window shades
Windows 10 workstation
This should never have taken so long as to become a project, but there you go. Installation was attempted on NIB Dell OptiPlex 390 small form factor PC, circa May 2012, NOT certified for Windows 10 ETS ‘LiteTouch’ express install … Continue reading
educause_2016-tall-2-autosaved Two 36″x48″ panels (4’x8′ space provided).
ffmpeg tweaks for SS UVMToob ; Bug in server settings
MPEG-DASH streams in FF and Chrome were failing with a No Suitable Media Files error. I thought that maybe this was a lingering key frame interval issue. While researching I delved ever deeper into ffmpeg and libx264 alchemy. I learned … Continue reading