Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

WordPress Update 1.2.2

WordPress Update 1.2.2 broke my login again, but it seems to be a result of one my database value substitutions. I replaced home value with . When wordpress tried to define constant COOKIEPATH, it used the above in a … Continue reading

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Activity Log

I worked at home today: low grade sinus infection I’m trying to shake cold and nasty outside Paul Bierman wants me to do something ("Don’t mean to be a pest, but I am wondering if you can add the ability … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

rewrote article for newsletter. dog ate original met with j bellum to discuss php coding issues met with kathy to discuss electronics

Posted in Documentation, ElectronicArts, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

advised s haas on web page restrictions rewrote web page restrictions directions

Posted in Documentation, Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Offered advice on Epson printer drivers to l shelton Advised g silverstein on mac antivirus programs Advised d wang on iMovie and streaming quicktime formats advised m starrett on safari bookmarks

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

advised d goldharber on new macintosh purchase advised j menon on mac video software purchase met with g silverstein to upgrade his mac os and applications

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

More WordPress hacking

edited wordpress mysql table options, replaced home value with , changed blogfilename to default.php edited wp-settings.php, changed the line $querystring_start = ‘?’; to $querystring_start = ‘&’; edited default.html, pulled out the Justin buffer rewrite code (above changes fix this) … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Windows Downloads Report

Finally deployed the "Display by Category" features of the Software Downloads page ( Calculated stats. Back on July 1, CIT quietly updated both the format and the function of the CIT Software Downloads page at . On December 27, … Continue reading

Posted in Documentation, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

advised g Silverstein on the merits of upgrading his OS 9 system to OS X wrote short newsletter article more wordpress hacking

Posted in Blogs, Documentation, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Activity Log

transferred burlington hazecam images from chipmunk to weasel to make movie answered Quicktime file format questions from d wang addressed issue with browser support for construction webcam display pages

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment