Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

Activity Log

quicktime versus avi files questions from c mazzoni mysql use and admin questions from Daniel Lefebvre, K Hytten iTunes/MP3 questions from J Schwartz g Mora-Klepeis questions about dspace admin more discussions of WRUV MP3 streaming with b bittman

Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, mysql, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

fixed issue with software downloads page edit features dealt with dspace disk space issues mysql admin issues for k Hytten, c Balduino,  b bittman php consult for j bellum dspace upload format questions from g Mora-Klepeis long conversations with brian … Continue reading

Posted in Dspace, ElectronicArts, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

met with k marmor to discuss me teaching her classes while she is gone mysql admin issues for fiona abbott more g nunley dreamweaver issues

Posted in Dspace, ElectronicArts, mysql, Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

mysql admin for f swasey, a Hawley web page problems solved for g nunley Christian Behr asked about the C Wrapper trick and PHP. Still no change in status long discussion with brian bittman over wruv streaming server progress long … Continue reading

Posted in Landscape Change, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

I learned way more about java today than I wanted to, but it was for a good cause. See these expanded notes investigated issues with streaming media for m tignor

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

filter-media, ugly JPEGS, TIFFs, and Java Advanced Imaging

I learned way more about java today than I wanted to, but it was for a good cause. I had a mess of images scanned by our Geology Department and imported into Dspace. Filter-media produced some ugly thumbnails for these … Continue reading

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log

investigated issue with network connectivity at wruv offices tried to figure out why my mac doesn’t like Steve wanted us to work on 2005 annual plans

Posted in Documentation, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Activity Log

tried out Nvu, an alternative to Mozilla Composer mac hardware questions from k marmor installed R and learned enough about it to answer questions from

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Detector Progress

My physical computing projects are coming along. I’ve built an infrared distance detector. I’m trying to tune the IR-LED frequencies to detect objects at very close range. I’ve hooked in a potentiometer to control the frequency of the LED, and … Continue reading

Posted in ElectronicArts, Projects | Leave a comment

Calendar & iCal issues

On Jan 20, 2005, at 10:33 AM, Robert H. Maurizi wrote: Additionally, has anyone had any luck making Calendar & iCal (or  iSync) talk to one another? I’m not looking for anything fancy where I  can update Calendar entries from … Continue reading

Posted in iPods, MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment