Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

Activity Log

Updating this blog; updating my other blog; writing notes to BLOGGING list, accounting for my time.

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iPod Video Research

The new iPod arrived. Loaded it with songs, photos, and movies. Most movies were my own: created on little Konica-Minolta Dimage Xt, run throught iMovie, posted on blog, auto downloaded by iTunes; exported from a medium quality (LAN Quicktime preset) … Continue reading

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Davis Construction cam

See previous post. Did much of the sam ething, but with Davis Construction cam 2. Wrote some PHP scripts that can be called from anywhere to greatly simplify coding oof web pages for others. See static picture 1 static picture … Continue reading

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Davis Construction cam

Played with the configurations of Davis Web Cam # 1. Set it to FTP to chipmunk, set up CGI and web page to display to world, same as Green cam or ResLife cam.  Explained to people why IE needs Active-X … Continue reading

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Tina Talk

Tina stopped by again. We installed PlaySound, Evobarcode, barcode binary and associated Applescripts on her machine. Showed her how to write poems in Text edit, save sa plain text, drag and drop onto applescript to make barcodes, record voce with … Continue reading

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iChat and LDAP

Rob Mauizi asked if there was some way to configure Address Book and iChat such that you could lookup and add UVM buddies, identified by their NetIDs in your Jabber sessions. Almost. Using Directory Access, confgured it for LDAPv3. In … Continue reading

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Print Server Makeover, Art Lab

I decommissioned the old 400 MHz, 386MB RAM G4 and configured the newer 733MHz G4, 512MB RAM G4 as the New Improved Print Server Mark II. This entailed configure the new machine’s network settings so that it obtains a "fixed" … Continue reading

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Dspace Fixed

Spent considerable time yesterday and today watching and analyzing output from the lsof command, which showed a mess of  open assettstore files that never seemed to close. After repeated writings to the Dspace-tech community, I finally received this from Richard … Continue reading

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iPod Video Research

Off and on research during last week, tracking RSS feeds, getting latest news and gossip regarding release of, accessories for, and early test results of iPod video

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Met with Tina

Met with Tina F. Escaja to discuss my most recent findings. As expected, she was thrilled and amazed, and exclaimed that I was a genius.

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