Category Archives: MacOS Support
Activity Log
Fixed a problem on the WRUV Mac where the "Click to Listen" shortcut on the desktop pointed to by IP address rather than canonical name . While I was there, I ran software update on office and studio … Continue reading
Activity Log
Helped Gayle Nunley with Dreamweaver "local root folder" issues Looked into a broken Mac issue at Art Lab (Kathy had already removed the machine) Finished updating the library Macs with new software image
Making New Lab Macs
The CMD (Center for Multimedia Development) got hold of a new dual 2.7GHz G5 workstation with 1.5GB RAM and a 250 GB HD. This provided a clean slate on which to draw a nice, clean lab image, suitable for replication … Continue reading
Activity Log
worked on assembling new software image for library Macintoshes
Activity Log
Software installs on new library macs, creating a new disk image for lab solved issue with new video server for Leonard Perry
Synchronous Classes via Quicktime video
Gagan Mirchandani, Professor Electrical&Computer Engrn asked me… I am looking into the matter of having my Fall class lectures available to people in our local industries. I am not aware of my options. Ideally, I would like to have my … Continue reading
Activity Log
investigated Java installation in Mac OS X issues for J Bellum investigated UVM Template printing problems
Activity Log
tracked down issue with new Tiger iCal application and related to meetings displayed in UTC rather than local time provided consulting to D Jacobowitz for perl CGI-BIN programming at UVM tested new Cisco VPN clients finally figured out how … Continue reading
Activity Log
more software research for t lyman more video server testing and debugging researched utilities to convert WMV to MOV file formats for A Quinn explained realproducer settings to b bittman/wruv
Activity Log
discovered limitations of webdav with respect to php files (they get parsed!) began to build test structure for new landscape change project edits researched software prices for t lyman