Category Archives: ElectronicArts
I created a Red5 Application
Working with Red5 is like pulling teeth. Trying to see if I can spawn an ffmpeg instance after uploading a live video capture. First step was to see if I could edit/copy any existing application, us to get the recipe. … Continue reading
Gnokii OS X, Part II
A long circuitous path, but in the end — sucess! Started off with darwinports, but that only got us 0.6.8 (current as of this writing was 0.6.27). Then tried Fink. That got us up to 0.6.13 dating Tried that version … Continue reading
Wammu Gammu OS X
Long and winding road. Download cmake source from — Binary Package is only for Tiger right now. Configure (./bootstrap; make; sudo make install) and install Download and configure mysql with env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 CFLAGS=”-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch … Continue reading
Kathy Marmor
Met with Kathy to fix her CD to autoplay on Windows.
Short Takes 4
Tina Escaja wrote: About making the voice happen with the barcode, I do the following: 1. I open Audocity and record my voice (I used this time the iSight microphone, because for some reason the regular one did not work. … Continue reading
Tina Talk
met with Tina for 45 minutes, help her understand her latest problems, which are mostly file name conventions.
barcode help
Consulted with Tina Escaja. hher barcodes ahd funny characters in them. Turns out she was feeding barcode generator .rtf (rich text format) rather than .txt (plain text format) files.
Tina Talk
Tina stopped by again. We installed PlaySound, Evobarcode, barcode binary and associated Applescripts on her machine. Showed her how to write poems in Text edit, save sa plain text, drag and drop onto applescript to make barcodes, record voce with … Continue reading
Met with Tina
Met with Tina F. Escaja to discuss my most recent findings. As expected, she was thrilled and amazed, and exclaimed that I was a genius.
Tina Escaja wrote I am currently working on bringing three Spanish visual artists from London and Spain next Spring to the L/L Gallery. I am going to collaborate to the project by placing around the wall of the Gallery a … Continue reading