Monthly Archives: May 2006
Landscape Change Project
Got script working, producing error log so we can tracebad records in database, too. Takes a long time to copy data!
New CMD Server
Was using old 867 MHz G4. Judi retired a dual 1.25 Ghz machine with bad disk drive. Swapped drives, now have faster serve. Or do I? old box had 512 MB ram, while new one has 256Mb. Of course, memory … Continue reading
Plasma Display Show
tried with newer, faster computer and Saft plug-in for Safari. Much better!
Not as easy as it looks. I would like to install the FLip4Mac WMV Studio components on the CMD Macs. See FLip4Mac WMV Studio allows any video application to export files in Windows Media Format Cost is $49 per … Continue reading
CMD Issues
Extended the RadMind process to the remainder of the CMD workstations. After updating, discovered problems with both Microsoft Office and Firefox. Waved a ead cat in the air and managed to resolve tose, created yet another update loadset to addres … Continue reading
CMD Client support
Helped clients with video import/export issues, especialy as related to Powerpoint.
Radmind/Final Cut STudio
First big test, applying Final Cut Studio 5.1 upgrade to CMD test workstation
CMD Client support
Filled in for Will, assisted Hilary Neroni class
Landscape Change Project
Worked on script to start copying all the images into new asset_store configuration.