Day 2, technical section
Also see
- CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 1
- CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 3
Attribute Delivery wwith Shibboleth
Attributes are…
- o fetched by connectors
- o connectors transform attributes
- o may depend on specific connectors or other attributes
- o uniquely named
- o may be renamed in config files (map attribute name eduPersonAffiliation to real LDAP attribute uvmPersonSchool)
- o may be scoped => eduPersonScopedAffilaita is derived from uvmPersonSchool and ""
- o composite; ID="course_entitkedments" sourcenames="dept_code,term_code,course_number"
- o SAML2PersitstantID can be defined: opaque, unique to institution and user_id. and of course, persistent
- o can be generated by arbitrary Java code
Attribute relsease policy
- o determines which attributes and values are relased to sevice provider
- o does not create attributes
- o describes policy for entire site
- o attribute releases evaluated in a deny-override method. If any rule says no, attribute denied
- o rules contain human redable description; target: to what SPs are they released; attributes that may be released
- o ARP match functions used to determine is a SP or attribute value matches a rule
- o release only what is required, follow the standards
ShARPE: Shibboleth Attribute Release Policy Editing Tools (pron sharpee)
- ShaRPE (site and group ARPs) and Autograph GUI (user ARPs, help desk use, do I like what is being released)
- ShARPE provides a GUI-baed editor to emnable
- o ARP admins to impliment access contracts (site and group)
- o users to manage their ARPs
- o site admin can import ARPs defined by SPs
Shibboleth Service Provider experience, OSU
- o 65 or so unique service providers
- o majority are windows/iis plus a handful of linux and one osx
- o majority of sites were legacy customers, less than 25% new deployments
- o vast majority are in-house web applications
- o nomandates apart from hreatened discontinuation of legacy SSO
- o little central decision making or policies
- o any sso you like, as long as it’s shiboleth
- o shib chose ’cause the sysadmin liked it, not institutional will
- o controlled pilots to establish reliability
- o developed support web site
- o uses subjectAltName in opensssl certificate profile
- o release of attributes is not firmly regulated
- o most appications are in house ASP or Cold Fusion
- o
- p typical attributes are names, course and section entitlments, ssn
- o 3rd party apps: Brio; Desire2Learn — shibboleth protects a front-door script taht invokes the sesion creation process; PathLore — faked it; PEOPLESOFT ! kereros auth not yet supported, appears to support external authentication through the Java front end, either native SP or front-ending; MediaManager (
- o management tools for metadata, certs; contact help desk and materials; convincing site admins to take on responsibilities
Lady from Kansas
- o basic questions: can the AuthN/AuthZ process be externalizedl do the authenicate.
- o release of an attribyte to a SP must be apporved by attributes data steward, some come from multiple source, and thus need multiple approvals
- o problem resolution: user => help line. help line has confidential access (sign agreemnet). if they can’t solve, escalete the "core middleare" hwo may need to contcat data custodian