Monthly Archives: November 2005
New Laptop
M275E 1GB Tablet 2.0GHz (BTS05-11, $2,046.00) to support my needs. First hour spent trying to make wireless card and VPN work. Pffffffffftttt. Next two hours installing software and updates. Acccccccckkkwwpfft.
Davis Construction cam
Met with Kate Calise who is doing the Davis Center web Pages. Helped her get the camera stuff I developed onto the Davis site.
Tina Talk
met with Tina for 45 minutes, help her understand her latest problems, which are mostly file name conventions.
Movie help
Helped freshman (and SKIVT-L personality) Allen Taylor export and save to web his 24 minute magnum opus.
I hate webcams
Diddled with the image settings and FTP settings, trying to improve both image quality and frame rate. Near impossible. These cameras are slower than the Axis cameras, and can’t handle capture and FTP fast enough to create semblance of motion. … Continue reading
SMIL : You’re on Davis WebCamera
It is the nature of most webcams that they capture and save to disk still images as JPEG files. The basic problem: how do you display a sequence of these JPEG stills successively to suggest to the viewer live video … Continue reading
SMIL : You're on Davis WebCamera
It is the nature of most webcams that they capture and save to disk still images as JPEG files. The basic problem: how do you display a sequence of these JPEG stills successively to suggest to the viewer live video … Continue reading