Monthly Archives: March 2005
Activity Log
converted a piece of the WRUV streaming code to a perl file that reads wruv database for current DJ name conducted iMovie workshop for C Mazzoni’s ITAL 052 class
Activity Log
Again tried to convey streaming information to brian bittman/wruv prepared for italian iMovie workshop
Activity Log
investigated process for extracting (via trickery) images from PDF files Realplayer streaming video advice for C Mazzoni
Activity Log
Communications with Brian Bittman/WRUV on variety of streaming scenarios
Activity Log
Consultation with C Goodnight regarding ODBC, Excel, and R on a Macintosh reloaded 700+ geology images into dspace
Dspace Handle Server
Well, this went easier than I thought, although I was sweating nervously during the process. I configured the CNRI’s Handle system for use with Dspace, following the official Dspace instructions and these notes. Requested a global handle from CNRI. Received … Continue reading
Activity Log
Configured Dspace handle server cleaned out spare firewire drive for steve
Dspace updates
After much discussion, badger finally received 240 GB of free disk storage via an NFS share on . This is temporary until TSG can spec out, order, and install a dedicated drive (apparently the NFS space is needed back … Continue reading
Activity Log
mysql admin for c behr Mike found 200 GB of NFS space for badger. I helped configure it and populate it with data advised dspace users that it was safe to enter the water again
skiing tuesday with a group of 20-something hotshots at mrg. I held my own, until I whacked my knee into a tree, damaging cartilage (what little is left from previous injjuries) in the process. pretty sure I tore a mess … Continue reading