Monthly Archives: January 2005
Activity Log
more webcam advice for
Activity Log
Helped w mcdowell with new file shares helped J Antonioli with video streaming issues advised on webcam issues set up dspace groups for geology collection, communicated with Gabriela Mora-Klepeis upgraded to Dspace 1.2.1Beta4
Dspace and Geology
Spent a lot of time today mucking around in Dspace, trying to get it ready for a big influx of images from Geology department… upgraded to Dspace 1.2.1Beta4 added new collection tried various combinations of authorization settings Think I’ve got … Continue reading
Activity Log
advised a hendrickson on DVD burners and macintosh applications advised William McDowell on file shares and directed him to TSG for same long conversation with t streeter and s cavrak about file transfer options for mac and web publishing safari … Continue reading
Activity Log
advised t streeter on possible purchase of final cut express advised on file shares, sent him to TSG for some met with Gabriela Mora-Klepeis to dicsuss using dspace for geology collection
Fixed this, fixed that
Paul Bierman asked, "Don’t mean to be a pest, but I am wondering if you can add the ability to search by LS# to our advanced search text string? I am teaching an on-line course these next 10 days and … Continue reading
WordPress Update 1.2.2
WordPress Update 1.2.2 broke my login again, but it seems to be a result of one my database value substitutions. I replaced home value with . When wordpress tried to define constant COOKIEPATH, it used the above in a … Continue reading
Activity Log
I worked at home today: low grade sinus infection I’m trying to shake cold and nasty outside Paul Bierman wants me to do something ("Don’t mean to be a pest, but I am wondering if you can add the ability … Continue reading
Activity Log
rewrote article for newsletter. dog ate original met with j bellum to discuss php coding issues met with kathy to discuss electronics
Activity Log
advised s haas on web page restrictions rewrote web page restrictions directions