Where we talk tools, tips and techniques to improve the sustainability of your farm

Andy was awarded a 2019 Northeast SARE Grant to produce The Ag Engineering Podcast. In this podcast, we share tools, tips and techniques to improve sustainability on your farm. It was launched in December 2019. This podcast features short-format, easy to digest, topic-centered episodes that dive right into the details. This project is supported by an advisory team of farmers who help guide the overall development of the podcast.

What do we talk about?

Andy interviews farmers who share their experiences and also reviews content curated from the Ag Engineering program. Some of the topics include:

  • Cat Tunnels
  • Paper Pot Transplanters
  • The Jang Seeder
  • Use of Silage Tarps
  • Creating Habits for a Sustainable Farm
  • Stories of Success and Challenge
  • Coolers
  • Vacuum Seeders
  • Online Sales
  • Scheduling Customers
  • Harvest Containers
  • On-farm Store
  • No-till & Hillside production
  • And MORE!

Some of the Guests on the Show

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is a recorded audio file distributed online to mobile devices or websites related to a specific category. Podcasts are like a radio conversation, but can be listened to on demand anywhere in the world. Many people have come to enjoy podcasts as a way of listening to what you want, when you want to. You can choose the topic and brig it along with you while your work or play.

Listen to the Podcast

Podcast episodes can be played with a podcast app on your smart phone. These apps allow you to subscribe to your favorite podcasts and then automatically download new episodes. You can find our show on the most common podcast players including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify & Google Podcasts. Just search “The Ag Engineering Podcast” or visit our website agengpodcast.com.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number ONE19-331.

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