Farmers Connect: Mid-Season Corn Evaluation field day shares important lessons on the value of in-season assessments  

On Thursday, June 27th, farmers and technical service providers gathered to discuss the importance of in-season scouting for a productive corn crop at Farmers Connect: Mid-Season Corn Evaluation, hosted by UVM Extension and the Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition. We gathered at Lucas Dairy in Orwell to hear from Jon Lucas of Lucas Dairy, Tom Eaton (ACS agronomist), Abby Augarten (UVM Extension agronomist), and other farmers in attendance on important topics, including no-till strategies for healthy corn stands, pest management, and in-season nitrogen management.  

After taking shelter from the rain in the barn, where we discussed the importance of planter setup for effective no-till planting, we headed to Jon’s corn fields under sunny skies to discuss these concepts more in-depth. As we gathered around a field that was no-till planted into sod after first cut, we discussed the importance of ideal soil moisture, especially in clay soils, for successful no-till planting and trench closure. Jon noted an increase in early season pest pressure, including cutworms and slugs, on some fields, likely due to greater moisture and early planting. Pest scouting early in the season provided sufficient time to intervene and replant, preventing any widespread damage. 

Nitrogen management strategies to increase efficiency for greater economic and environmental benefits was another topic of interest. Understanding the complexity of nitrogen cycling, how and when we may lose nitrogen from our system, and available tools to mitigate loss are crucial for efficient N use. We discussed effective strategies like nitrogen inhibitors, in-season diagnostic tools to determine sidedress rate, and adjusting nitrogen timing and rates in no-till systems.   

Stand evaluations, pest management, and nutrient management are crucial to finding success in a no-till system. Jon highlighted a few key components to his no-till system: timing planting with favorable conditions, scouting for insects in higher risk fields, and adjusting nitrogen management to prevent nitrogen tie up and take advantage of nitrogen credits. Jon continues his no-till practices, which have contributed to healthy crops, water quality benefits, and improved soil health. 

Read on to explore more highlights from the field day!

Photo by Kate Longfield, Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition

Mid-Season Corn Evaluation Highlights: 

No-till Strategies: 

  • Planting in ideal moisture is key for no-till planting, especially in clay soils. Farmers shared they’ve had the most success if the soil surface is dry and crumbles easily, while the soil is moist at planting depth to allow for good trench closure and fast germination and emergence. If the soil is too dry, it’s advantageous to plant to greater depth to find sufficient moisture.  
  • No-till planting corn into a hay field is a great approach to integrate no-till practices into your system. Jon has found success by using a coulter to slice through residue, carefully timing herbicide application for effective sod termination, applying nitrogen up front to prevent any tie up, and planting in ideal moisture conditions. No-till planting into hay can improve soil health, mitigate risk of runoff, and provide nitrogen benefits to the corn crop mid-season. 

Stand Evaluation: 

  • Evaluating corn stands can provide important insight to inform planting next season. For example, if there are skips in the row, identify if this is due to pest pressure, soil conditions, or planting error, such as planting depth, planter setup, closing wheels, and other factors.  
  • Assessing the uniformity of the corn stand is another great indicator. While challenging to obtain in fields with variable conditions, uniform stands help mitigate competition among corn plants. Adjusting planting depth to align with ideal soil moisture throughout the field can help improve uniformity. 

Pest Management: 

  • Early season insect scouting is crucial to catch insect pressure early, intervene, and replant if necessary. Scouting pests early in the season, and not just from the road, gave Jon an advantage to minimize the damage done by the cutworms. Jon was able to locate, spray, and replant the corn within a week, saving yields on that field.  
  • For some, buying name brand insecticides and herbicides that have guaranteed efficacy may be worth the extra time and money.  
  • Planting date is an important consideration for managing risk around insect pressure, but there may also be tradeoffs. Planting early may be effective to mitigate risk of cutworm damage but will also increase the seed’s susceptibility to seed corn maggot and wireworm damage due to slower germination. 

In-season Nitrogen Management: 

  • Nitrogen is a very complex nutrient to manage, but knowing when and how your system is at risk of losing nitrogen and taking advantage of tools to mitigate that risk can improve efficiency. Nitrogen can be lost via many modes and considering when, how and in what form you apply nitrogen can inform how best to mitigate that risk. Read more about nitrogen cycling here, or reach out to UVM Extension to delve deeper into nitrogen management on your farm.   
  • Applying nitrogen in-season, closer to when the corn crop needs it, is one strategy to mitigate risk. Nutrient management planning, weather considerations, and diagnostic tools like pre-sidedress nitrate tests (PSNTs) and chlorophyll meters can inform sidedress rate.  
  • The timing of sidedress applications with rainfall is an important consideration.  About ½ inch of rain is required to incorporate urea into the soil, where it will no longer be susceptible to volatilization. Without rain, it is possible to lose 20% of surface applied urea per day, particularly with warmer temperatures, greater soil moisture, and windy conditions. 
  • Nitrogen inhibitors can mitigate the risk of nitrogen loss. Urease inhibitors, one type of nitrogen inhibitors, will prevent volatilization of urea for 10-14 days, extending the window to receive sufficient rainfall to incorporate urea into the soil. There are many different products out there, with different modes of action and concentration of active ingredients. Reach out to UVM Extension to navigate which product makes sense for you.   

Other Topics of Interest: 

  • Conversation was not limited to just corn! We explored additional interests from cover cropping mixes to hay crops and species selection. 
  • There are many benefits to a multispecies cover crop mixture, though it can be challenging to integrate into dairy cropping rotations in VT. Interseeding is a potential strategy to accomplish this, by providing the cover crop ample time to grow and provide desirable soil health benefits.   
  • Selecting forage species, and even specific varieties, is important for new hay crops. Seed breeders are doing great work at the variety level to create mixtures designed to maximize productivity and quality.  

To discuss how these key takeaways may relate to your operation, reach out to the UVM Extension’s Champlain Valley Crops, Soil & Pasture Team. 

Addison County Fair and Field Days Crop Entry Info

The Fair is scheduled for Tuesday, August 10 through Saturday, August 14. For schedule, exhibits and forms visit We need your crop submissions to make our display spectacular! Submit your crops at the north end of the 4-H Exhibit Building on Monday, August 9, between 8:00 a.m. and noon. Judging begins at 1 p.m. Contact Karen Gallott if you have any questions about entries – 802-388-4969,

On the Wild Side: Planting Food Plots

This post is from our Summer 2021 Newsletter by Jeff Carter.

I have had great success utilizing summer seedings in early August to grow high quality food plots for fall. The same system used in farm fields for seeding pastures and hay fields works for clover, chicory, peas, radishes and Brassicas for wildlife food plots. Remember that warm soil and fewer weeds means the new crop can grow very fast compared to an early spring seeding. However, water is needed for good germination, so wait until the hot dry days of July have passed. The seeding rates (below) are in pounds per acre (43,560 sq. ft.) so adjust according to your food plot size. Make sure to take a soil test before any crop planting, and remember to feed your crops lime and fertilizer if you want to feed the wildlife. Find wildlife food plot recommendations at

I like to plant these mixes in separate plots, or side-by-side, right at the end of July or the first week in August:
• Cool season perennial: 8 pounds clover mix plus 4 pounds chicory per acre. Add 30 pounds of oats as a nurse crop (and to keep the bears busy) while the clover gets good roots established.
• Cool season annual: 6 pounds Brassica mix, plus 2 pounds radish per acre. Overseed 100 pounds of oat/wheat/rye mix 30 days later for a tasty treat in late fall that provides for winter feed and spring green-up.Toward the end of August, try this mix:
• Cool season Annual: 50 pounds oats plus 50 pounds winter peas. Add 100 pounds of wheat or rye in early September for that extra boost of feed. Reach out to Jeff if you have questions on food plots at or 802-388-4969 ext. 332

UVM Has New Recommendations for Wildlife Food Plots

Jeff Carter has recently worked with the Agriculture and Environmental Testing Lab (AETL) at UVM drafted a new set of fertilizer recommendations for wildlife food plots associated with your soil tests. Starting this year, AETL can provide additional guidance.

Food plot crops are very popular with landowners and there are many different mixes of seed offered. Crops like radishes and other brassicas, sugar beets, small burnet, and cowpeas are not very common options for University lab recommendations, which are often focused on local agricultural forage production.

Jeff recently wrote an article about it for our Spring Newsletter (pg. 6).

View the recommendation guidelines pdf.

Resources in these challenging times

Our offices are currently closed but we are still here to help you! Please give us a call at 802-388-4969 and leave us a message. We will return it! You can also email us at

Things are changing daily, and the best way to keep up with our office is through our email list and newsletter. If you don’t already get notifications, sign up now.

Many organizations are acting as clearinghouses for links so I will not repeat the work they have been doing, but instead refer you to them below.

Consider providing feedback for the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) on how the Coronavirus crisis is affecting your operation! We’d also like to hear from you if there are things you think UVM Extension can be doing to help.

VAAFM Covid-19 resource page

USDA Covid-19 resource page

UVM Extension Resources:

Information about Small Business Administration Loans through the CARES act can be found on their webpage.

Farm First is your connection to free and confidential support for all farmers and their families.

Vermont Housing and Conservation Board also provides business advising services.

Stay Cool and Read Our Newsletter – Summer 2019

In this Issue:

  • Focus on Agriculture: Summer Seeding Options & Other Management Adjustments, by Jeff Carter
  • News, Events & Info You Should Know
  • Save-the-Date 2020 No-Till and Cover Crop Symposium
  • USDA 2017 Census of Agriculture Results, by Kristin Williams
  • Focusing on Effectiveness with Grass-Fed Beef, by Cheryl Cesario
  • Vermont Farmers Are Conservation Leaders, by Nate Severy
  • Nutrient Mass Balance: Operating in the Green Zone?, by Rachel Orr 
  • Research Update: Gypsum Trails, by Kristin Williams

View our 2019 Summer Newsletter Here!

Forage Analysis: Even More Important This Season

As we all know, this is a challenging year for successfully planting and harvesting crops in the Champlain Valley and beyond. As a group of agronomists, we often talk about the timeliness of planting and harvesting crops as they relate to crop yield, quality, and protecting soil health. That said, at the end of the day, the real challenge will be how to feed those crops to your animals successfully. This year, more than most, forage analysis will be very important. You will need to take a close look at your forage quality and make adjustments to your other feed stocks accordingly.

Dr. Leonard Bull shared some great advice and information for us about how forage quality this year may impact how those forages are fed out and how you make up the differences:

Delayed first cutting of grass and legume forages in the Northeast results in a steady decline in digestibility of the forage. And while yields may go up, the extra tons of dry matter are not much advantage if digestibility is lower and inert gut fill greater. The average decline is about 0.5-0.7 percentage units per day in total digestible nutrients (TDN). In addition, protein content declines by about 0.1 percent per day of delay. Combined, if these are the only forages fed to dairy cows the total diet will need about 1 percent more concentrate of higher protein content for every day of delayed harvest.

In addition to perennial forages, the delayed planting we experienced this year in Vermont can affect the quality of annual forages like corn silage. A lot of corn is going to have lower energy values unless we see a major turnaround soon. Again, concentrates will need to be adjusted accordingly.

Dr. Leonard S. Bull, Ph.D., PAS * Emeritus Professor of Animal Science North Carolina State University * New Haven, Vermont

Forage Sampling & Analysis

Proper forage sampling is important. As the saying goes, garbage in equals garbage out. Your goal is to collect a representative sample of the total volume being sampled. Penn State Extension has a great fact sheet on the subject: Forage Quality Testing: Why, How, and Where (Agronomy Facts 44). Some highlights are listed below.

  1. Collect a representative sample. This includes collecting multiple sub-samples, mixing them together thoroughly, and then taking your sample for analysis from this larger sample. For instructions on how to sample by type of forage and whether you are sampling at harvest or after it has been stored, visit this helpful resource from Penn State University Extension.
  2. Store and ship samples appropriately. Be sure and use the recommendations provided by the lab, but as a general rule of thumb, you should keep dry hay samples in a cool place and haylage and silage samples frozen in an airtight container. Mail the sample in an insulated bag—preferably early in the week—to prevent bacterial decay that might alter the results.
  3. Select a laboratory with proper analysis and protocol. Use a certified lab that participates in a proficiency testing program like the National Forage Testing Association and uses duplicate/quality control check samples. If you are using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS), make sure they are calibrating appropriately with chemical analysis periodically.  While we do not endorse any particular lab, some local labs that meet these criteria are Dairy One and Cumberland Valley Analytical Services.
  4. Fill out the lab forms completely and accurately. This is especially important when using NIRS analysis so that the proper calibration is selected for your forage (i.e., corn silage versus haylage).
  5. Know how to read your forage analysis report. Once you receive your results, be sure and take a close look and review your results with your animal nutritionist, veterinarian, consultant or extension advisor. There is a great document from Cornell Extension, that helps decipher a forage analysis report here.

As always, if you need more information or would like assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us:

UVM Extension * Champlain Valley Crop, Soil & Pasture Team

(802) 388-4969



Wet Weather Updates

Champlain Valley Farmers,

As you well know, 2017 is turning out to be WET year.

Our office is fielding many questions about how to report crop losses, options for late planted annual forages, and new seedings.  We thought it might be useful to compile some resources for all of you.

How to report crop losses and prevented planting.

If you were unable to plant due to wet conditions and/or suffered crop loss because of flooding or rainfall, you should report that to your Farm Service Agency (FSA) office.  The deadline for crop reporting for 2017 is as follows:

Friday, July 14th for producers with crop insurance policies

Monday, July 17th for producers who do not have crop insurance

For more information about crop insurance and details about eligibility and provisions, please find a factsheet here.

If you suffered damage to fields, facilities or infrastructure on your farm (especially as a result of the most recent flash flood event), you should also report that to FSA so they can keep track of losses in order to determine if individual counties or the State of Vermont may qualify for emergency assistance from the federal government.

Contact your local FSA Office:

Addison County FSA Office

 68 Catamount Park * Middlebury, VT 05753 * (802) 388-6748

Chittenden County FSA Office 

300 Interstate Corporate Center * Williston, VT 05495 * (802) 288-8155

Rutland County FSA Office

170 S. Main Street, Suite 4 * Rutland, VT 05701 * (802) 775-8034

FSA State Office

356 Mountain View Drive * Colchester, VT 05446 * (802) 658-2803

Or click here for a directory of all county offices

Flooding or Ponding in Crop & Hay Fields

If you had hay and/or crop fields that experienced flooding or ponding, you should take special considerations on those fields to assess damage and mitigate appropriately in order to maintain yields and avoid issues at harvest.

Purdue University Extension has some great advice from their experiences earlier this year.

University of Minnesota Extension also has good information for  flooded corn and soybeans.

Penn State Extension also has good advice for northeastern growers on flood damaged crops, including hay.


Options for Late Season Forage Plantings

While wet weather has delayed and prevented harvesting hay and planting forages like corn, there is still time (and growing degree days) to produce some high quality forage.

Please check with your crop insurance agent before making any decisions that may affect your crop insurance claims or payment.

Warm season grasses like sorghum, sudangrass, and sorghum-sudangrass hybrids can still be planted through early July with potential for high quality feed and decent yields.  The links below have some great information about how to plant these crops and how to manage them at harvest time to maximize yield and quality coming out of the bunk (or bale).

Small grains planted for a fall harvest are a viable option, as are small grains mixed with legumes like peas.  You may also want to plant your small grain winter cover crops with a spring harvest in mind and up your seeding rates and choose varieties and seed based on a goal of harvesting it next spring.

New seedings that were planned for April or May can still be planted in early to mid-August.  It is not recommended to plant in June or July as the warm summer temperatures are not conducive to these cool season species being established well.  They also have to compete with summer annual weeds.  Waiting until August will provide better growing conditions and less weed pressure and should allow for adequate growth before winter, although you may want to avoid slow germinating species like birdsfoot trefoil or reed canarygrass.

For more ideas, seeding rates, etc., click on the links below:

UVM Extension Late Season Forage Planting Factsheet

Tom Kilcer’s Advaned Ag System Crop Soil News – July edition focuses on late planted forages

Plan for 2018

If you decide to forego any annual forage planting/harvest for this year on particular fields, you can set your sights on 2018.  Don’t just let it sit idle, prone to erosion, or let it go to weeds…set yourself up for success for next year.  We have seen farmers grow tremendous cover crops in prevented planting fields that you could otherwise not accomplish after a corn silage harvest.  You can add species like oats, annual ryegrass, radish, canola, peas, vetch, and clover if you plant by mid-August to early September with excellent results.  This could set you up for successful no-till planting next spring, reduce weed pressure in future years, provide good erosion control and even contribute some nitrogen next year.  If you have wanted to try a winter-kill cover crop but it hasn’t fit in your rotation, you could give it a try this year.

Check out our Multi-Species Cover Crop Decision Tool for more information

Or contact Kirsten Workman at our office.

Grazing in a Wet Year and Mending Pastures after Excessive Rains

Pastures can also suffer during a wet year like this one.  Animal traffic on wet soils can cause soil compaction; pugging (holes) from hooves, leading to rough surfaces; areas of bare soil; potential runoff issues; and reduced plant density and yield. If despite your best efforts, your pastures are showing signs of this kind of damage, there are some basic things you can do now that some sunny weather is on the horizon and soils dry out a bit.  Read Cheryl Cesario’s article from 2013 to learn more or contact her directly.

We know it is a challenging year, so please let us know if we can be of any assistance.