Sign Up for New Priority EQIP Practices

In Vermont sign up deadline for all 2021 EQIP contracts is March 19, 2021.

You can still sign up for EQIP after that, but you will be considered for next year.

VT Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced a top ten “high-priority” list of Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) practices. The state chose these practices to motivate producers to implement important practices that address critical resource issues but that are not as widely adopted. This is part of the 2018 Farm Bill – states were allowed as of 2020 to provide increased payment rates for up to 10 high-priority practices. These practices will be incentivized at a 90% cost payment rate. In consultation with each state’s Technical Committee, the State Conservationists designates their state’s priorities.

In Vermont, the ten priorities are: Contour Buffer Strips (332), Cover Crop – multi-species only (340), Residue & Tillage Management – reduced-tillage (345), riparian forest buffer (391), Pasture and Hay Planting (seeding down continuous corn) (512), Open Channel (582), Stripcropping (585), Nutrient Management (manure injection only) (590), Tree / Shrub Establishment (612), Phosphorus Removal System (782).

Some of these practices are probably more familiar to our audience than others, like reduced tillage. Other practices like stripcropping offer soil conservation benefits particularly on steep slopes, but are not commonly seen in our area. Open Channel refers to a two-stage ditch, and Phosphorus (P) Removal System is the installation of an end-of-pipe filter system to mitigate P losses in tile drains. 

If you are interested in signing up for one of these practices, call your local NRCS office, in Middlebury – 802-388-6748. You can also call our office – 802-388-4969, if you’d like to discuss how we might assist you in getting a project implemented. NRCS accepts applications on a rolling applications but processes them in batches, sign up deadline for 2021 practices is 3/19/21.

Clarification for Changes to 590 NMP Standard

VT NRCS has made some changes to the 590 standard, which is the standard that applies to Nutrient Management Planning.

The most important change is what is allowable under a medium and high P-Index score.

Here is a summary of some changes:

VT NRCS summary of changes as shared by Sandra Primard, State Agronomist:

Recently the VT Nutrient Management Standard 590, UVM ‘Nutrient Recommendations for Field Crops in Vermont’ and the Vermont Phosphorus Index have undergone updates.

The UVM ‘Nutrient Recommendations for Field Crops in Vermont’ corrected some typos, made a few minor edits for clarity and updated sample soil and manure submission forms. The recommendations have NOT changed. The new version is BR.1390.3 and can be found at

The Vermont Phosphorous Index updated the nutrient management interpretations of the Vermont PI scores to fit the new VT 590 standard. The new version is Version 6.2. No changes to the structure or calculations in the P-Index were made, just the resulting nutrient management interpretations which are given at end of this email. Scores produced using Version 6.2 should be identical to those produced using Version 6.1, given the same inputs. The Vermont Phosphorous Index can be found at

The updated VT Nutrient Management Standard 590 occurred because every five years the NRCS National Headquarters updates the National Standards.  Then each state shapes the National Standard to fit their state. Each state can make the National Standard stricter but not less strict. Vermont worked with its many partners to update the standard so that it fits with the State laws of the Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs) and the State Water Quality Regulations.  In the past, the Vermont added language in the standard was in blue font.  Now it is in bold italics. The VT 590 can be viewed here:

Summary of 2020 VT Nutrient Management 590 Standard Changes

Aligns with the State water quality regulations and requirements including the Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs).

Soil tests must be no older than 2 years when developing new nutrient management plans.

Additional clarification on annual sampling of manure tests.

Additional clarification on realistic yield goals.

Additional clarification on applying nutrients on frozen, snow covered and saturated soil conditions.

The Plans and Specification section has been developed more fully.

The Operations and Maintenance section has been developed more fully.

Vermont Phosphorus Index

The medium rating of the VT PI requires P application not to exceed crop P removal rate or soil test P recommended rate.

The high rating of VT PI also requires P application not to exceed crop P removal rate or soil test P recommended rate.  In addition, a soil P drawdown strategy is needed along with implementation of mitigation practices.

The very high rating of VT PI requires no manure or P fertilizer applications.  In addition, a soil P drawdown strategy is needed along with implementation of mitigation practices.

NMP Updates for 2020-2021

North West Crop and Soils Team has developed a factsheet that walks you through the process of updating your NMP in goCrop.

See a recent video recording which walks through the basics of NMP record keeping and a pdf of slide notes (also housed on their NMP page).

See changes to VT NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Planning Standard.

They’ve created an Records Sheet to streamline the process:

Our website has NMP resourses as well.

Given the realities we face, we’ve decided to make NMP Updates one-on-one, on an appointment basis only. You should have received a letter or email from Susan Brouillette letting you know. We will also be reaching out to folks in the coming months. We are encouraging folks who can to have one-on-one video chats, in which we can walk anyone through the process of updates. We are happy to also help folks set up video chat if you are unfamiliar with it. We also encourage everyone to do as much work ahead of any meetings as possible, including gathering records. Phone call appointments are also available.

Give us a call at 802-388-4969 to schedule an appointment.

Below is the letter Susan Brouillette sent to individuals who have taken past NMP classes. If you took your NMP class with us (Middlebury, Richmond, Rutland), give us a call. Otherwise, you can call Susan with questions. This letter contains additional info on what materials are needed to prepare for updating your NMP!


Our Current and Ongoing Office Policy

The Middlebury Extension office is open by appointment only.  Please plan ahead and give us at least 2 days’ notice to make arrangements for your appointment by calling 802-388-4969. This way we will be able to meet your needs.

  • Face masks are required upon your arrival at the office
  • Sign in at the front desk for contact tracing
  • Use the provided hand sanitizer
  • Maintain a 6-foot distance between yourself and others

If you do not feel comfortable coming to our office, please call 802-388-4969 leave a phone message and we will return your call in one business day. We will do our best to provide you with the service you need.

January 2021 – goCrop is being updated! Hopefully those updates will make it easier to get your records entered and roll over your plans. However, we are happy to help everyone navigate these new changes as smoothly as possible.