Considerations when pursuing energy projects for your home

By Gabriel Taylor-Marsh, Home Improvement Specialist

Looking for a better way to heat and cool your home? Thinking about efficiency measures? Looking to invest in solar panels? Will a heat pump water heater system save dollars and cents?

These are all great questions to be asking. Before you make investments or buy or lease a new system, consider the following checklist when considering energy efficient and renewable energy updates to your home:

  1. Finding and Hiring a Contractor: Like any other home improvement project, consult the existing home repair how-to checklist: If you have questions, call Gabriel, CAP’s Home Improvement Specialist. While connected, ask if there are any complaints about the businesses you are considering hiring.
  2. Promotional Materials: Please read solicitations and advertised claims thoroughly. Ask any and all questions you may have about the claims made and the related product or system. Avoid companies that make deceptive statements. Learn more about greenwashing:
  3. Contracts: Read written agreements carefully and ask questions. Find out who is responsible for installation, maintenance and warranties.
  4. Warranties: Find out whether the product will have a warranty. Ask for written copies of warranties and review that labor, parts and service needs are covered.
  5. Tax Credits: Ask if you are eligible for a tax credit. Consult with an accountant or tax preparer first. Learn more about federal and state tax credits:
    -IRS information:
    -State of Vermont resources:
  6. Life Span: Ask questions about how long the product or service is covered. What happens if the company is sold or goes out of business? Who is responsible for servicing the product over time? What happens if the business closes? Will you be notified if anything within the business changes, such as its contractors?
  7. Loans: When taking out a loan, consider your monthly budget, compare rates and ask about the application of credits to determine the project cost versus the potential gains.

Below are some helpful resources to review when considering energy projects:

-Efficiency Vermont provides energy efficiency resources, go to:

-The Public Service Department provides renewable energy resources, go to:

Please reach out to me directly with any questions you may have: