Help Stop Scams Now!

The Stopping Scams Together initiative encourages our community of Vermonters to identify scams and share success stories of stopping scams together. Many Vermont partners and individuals are already doing the work to understand scams and stop them. You can help too. Share your success story of stopping a scam on social and use #StopScamsVT. Continue reading

Top 10 Scams of 2023 Released by Attorney General’s Office

BURLINGTON, VT – Reports of scams to the Attorney General’s Consumer Assistance Program totaled 3,685 in 2022. In keeping with the previous year’s trend, a scam claiming that an unauthorized order was placed, or a package is pending delivery, sometimes … Continue reading

Medicare Open Enrollment Scammer, or the Real Deal?

During Medicare Open Enrollment, scammers may contact you about updating or switching coverage. Always take steps to verify unknown callers. If you are looking to update your plan, do so on your terms. First, get help navigating Medicare plans by connecting with Vermont programs and Medicare directly.
Call the Consumer Assistance Program at 1-800-649-2424 to report scams.
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Student Debt Relief, or a Scam?

Now that the government is, in fact, giving certain qualified borrowers some student loan debt relief, watch out for student loan debt relief scams! Make sure you are connected to the most accurate information when claiming your portion of student loan forgiveness by connecting with legitimate sources. Never pay to claim your federal loan forgiveness. Ignore government solicitations. Hang up on callers asking for your personal information. When considering debt relief in Vermont, only seek out licensed debt adjusters. Continue reading

Vermont Business Imposter Email Scams Are on the Rise

Scammers are impersonating employees or familiar business representatives’ emails and contacting company bookkeepers and office administrators asking them to change bank account information, direct deposit information, or asking them to write checks. By impersonating an employee’s email address or creating a fake personal email for the employee, scammers can steal money from businesses and steal paychecks from employees. Vermont businesses and non-profits should always verify email addresses and speak directly with an employee or business representative in person or via phone when sending money or changing payment information. Continue reading