Grandchild Imposter “Grandparent” Scam in Vermont

No matter what the scammers say when they initiate the “Grandparent Scam,” the introduction is sure to spike emotion. That is what they hope. They call claiming to be one of your most cherished loved ones—your grandchild—and ignite fear that those you care about are in dire need. With emotions running high and deep, how can you not engage with the call, stay on the line, and find out more? You are worried and feel helpless because all you have to validate this story is the phone in your hand and the fear of what if. What if you do nothing and your grandchild really was in trouble? Continue reading

Summer Scams

With increased vacationing, sightseeing, and attending events, summer is a fun-filled time in Vermont. Have a safe and happy summer by avoiding scams that may seek to intercept your vacation rental search, sell you fake tickets, or purport to be extended family stranded while on vacation.

When searching for a vacation rental or event tickets online, be sure to do extensive research before agreeing to complete a purchase. If a family member calls in need, always take steps to verify. Continue reading

Attorney General Clark Releases Top 10 Scams of 2023

BURLINGTON, Vt. – Scam reports to the Attorney General’s Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) totaled 3,212 in 2023. The “computer tech support” scam took the number one spot on the list, totaling almost 25 percent of the top scams reported. Phishing … Continue reading

Is it amour or time for armor?

There are perfect matches online, and there are scammers. How can a person tell the difference when online profiles of scammers can be just as good as, if not better than, profiles of existing people? Scams that prey on trust and deceive through relationships of confidence and romance are among the most heart wrenching. How can you look for love online, while keeping your heart protected? Armor your heart by using verification strategies and knowing the signs of a scammer. Continue reading